TM 5-623
similar to that kept on DA Form 5155-R, except that the
h. DA Form 5155-R, Branch Maintenance and
completion date of M&R is listed for each activity and
Repair Requirements. This form stores information on
the cost should be the actual cost of M&R rather than an
required M&R activities; it is completed by using
estimate. A completed DA Form 5156-R is shown as an
information previously recorded on DA Forms 5150-R
example in figure 6-8. The form was completed similar
through 5154-R. A form should be completed for each
to DA Form 5155-R. The actual rather than the
branch of the pavement network.
For a detailed
proposed thickness, quantity and cost were recorded.
explanation of how to determine M&R requirements, see
chapter 4.
(1) A completed DA Form 5155-R is shown
as an example in figure 6-7. The form was completed
The manual record keeping system consists primarily of
as follows:
the nine forms described in paragraph 6-3. Those forms
(a) The installation name, date, branch
are used for information storage.
To use data
name and total number of sections in the branch was
efficiently, this information must be stored in an orderly
recorded at the top of the form. (In the example there
fashion. Figure 6-9 is an example of such a system; it
are 6 sections in the branch.)
can be described as follows:
(b) All branch maintenance and repair
a. Branch summary. One folder stores the network
work required was listed. The section number where the
inventory. This is the information recorded on DA Form
work was needed was recorded. The work item was
5149-R, Branch Identification Summary.
The work class was recorded (M for
b. Branch identification information. One folder
maintenance, rather than R for repair, or C for new
stores branch identification information. This folder
serves as a heading card and as the storage slot for DA
construction). The location of the proposed work (R for
Form 5155-R, M&R Requirements.
(This allows
roadway, rather than PL for parking lot, A for airfield, or
anticipated maintenance activities for each section of
O for other) was recorded. The thickness of the
the branch to be stored in one location.) The branch
proposed work was recorded. The quantity of the work
identification forms should be filed in the order shown on
item was recorded. The estimated cost of the work item
the DA Forms 5149-R, Branch Identification Summary.
was recorded. The priority that the work item rated was
c. Branch sections. After the Branch Identification
recorded. A final column provides space for recording
Summary forms, a series of file folders should be
the date the work item is completed.
provided for each section of the branch. One folder
(c) The lower area of the form is for
each is provided for DA Forms 5149-1-R, 5150-R, 5151-
remarks. An appropriate comment was recorded.
R, 5152-R, 5153-R, and 5154-R. (These forms contain
(2) The information on the Branch M&R
basic information on the section.)
Requirements form may change frequently.
d. Inspection forms. Field survey data on the
example, when a work item is completed, other priorities
sample unit inspection sheets should be retained. This
may change. So the date of completion of the work
information is included on the DA Form 5154-R, Section
item must be recorded and priorities updated at that
Condition Record (fig 6-6); however, the inspection
sheets can help verify data, and would be essential if
(3) Since the information on the Branch M&R
the installation wanted to convert from the manual
Requirements form(s) changes frequently, a new form
PAVER system to a computerized PAVER system.
should be made when necessary. Information on
completed M&R activities should always be transferred
6-5. Record upkeep
to a DA Form 5156-R, Section Maintenance and Repair
Once the initial division of the pavement network into
Record, as a permanent record.
branches and sections has been completed, the filing
system can be started. As the initial inspections take
I. DA Form 5156-R, Section Maintenance and
place, the information on DA Forms 5149-1-R through
Repair Record.
This form stores information on
5153-R can be compiled. As branches are completed,
maintenance and repairs that have been completed. It
data analyses can begin (chap 4).
can be compiled from data from DA Form 5155-R and
a. Updating forms. Forms must be updated once
as-built records. A separate form is used for each
maintenance activities begin. If overlays or surface
section; this allows the expenditures for maintenance of
treatments are applied, the DA Form 5151-R, Section
each section to be monitored. This type of information
may be valuable when determining M&R requirements
or when performing economic analyses on other
sections. The information on DA Form 5156-R is very