TM 5-623
section is inspected by sampling, the number of random
"Volume Index" was reached at 3. That value 3 was
and additional units surveyed is recorded. If all sample
recorded on the form for type b traffic.
units are surveyed, the number is recorded as random
(c) The volume of traffic for traffic type
c was found on the traffic survey to be 15. Looking
(g) The PCI range is computed, by
down column c, table 6-3, that value (10-49) was
subtracting the lowest sample unit PCI from the highest
Looking horizontally to the far right the
sample unit PCI, and recorded (in the example, 20).
"Volume Index" was reached at 2. That value 2 was
(h) The minimum number of sample
recorded on the form for type c traffic.
units to be surveyed is determined and recorded (in the
(d) The volume of traffic for traffic
example, 5). Determination of minimum number of
types d, e, and f was zero. The "Volume Index" was
sample units to be surveyed is described in chapter 3. If
therefore zero and that value was recorded on the form
the minimum number of sample units required is greater
for traffic types d, e, and f.
than the number of random units surveyed, more units
(e) The volume indices for the traffic
must be selected at random and surveyed.
survey of August 1979 was determined as indicated
(I) The pavement type is determined
above for the 1978 survey. The values determined
and recorded. (In the example, AC is marked to
(a=6, b=4, c=1, d=0, e=0, f=0) were recorded on the
indicate asphalt-surfaced pavement. If the pavement
form for the survey dated 8/79.
had been concrete, PCC would have been marked.)
(2) Space is provided at the bottom of Form
(j) The section dimensions and area
5153-R marked "Parking Lots-Airfields-Other." This
are marked (in the example, 25 feet by 500 feet, 1388
space should be used for describing the type and
square yards).
volume of traffic using facilities other than roads. For
(k) The method of determining the
example, if the pavement section being considered is a
section distress data is marked. (In the example,
parking lot, the description of traffic can be, "The
"Actual Quantities" is marked because the entire section
dominant type of vehicle using the parking lot is
was inspected. If inspection by sampling was used the
passenger cars, averaging 12 hours per day." This
circle next to extrapolated quantities should be marked.
(l) Once it has been determined that a
pavement section or when designing a new cross-
sufficient number of sample units have been surveyed,
the section distress data portion of the form can be
completed. If actual quantities are used (i.e., the entire
g. DA Form 5154-R, Section Condition Record.
section inspected), the section's values are found by
The Section Condition Record stores data obtained from
totaling the quantity of each distress type and severity
the condition survey of the section's sample units and
level. The section density and deduct values are then
summarizes the distress found in the section.
computed as normally done for a sample unit (See para
(1) A completed DA Form 5154-R is shown
3-5d(1) for asphalt pavements and para 3-5d(2) for
as an example in figure 6-6. The form is completed as
concrete pavements). (In the example the distress
portion of the form has been completed starting with
(a) The installation name, the branch
Distress Type 1, Severity Level L, Quantity 30, Section
name, the date and the section number is recorded at
Density .24 and Deduct Value 4.)
the top of the form.
(m) The deduct values are totaled (in
(b) The average PCI of the sample
the example, 47).
units (in the example, 70) is recorded as well as the
(n) On the last line of the form the
condition rating (good).
percent deducts related to structural, environmental, or
(c) Ratings for ride quality, safety, and
other conditions is marked (in the example, 75 percent
drainage are recorded by marking the appropriate space
structural, 25 percent other).
(G for good, F for fair, P for poor). In the example the
ratings are good. The ratings on the form are for
(2) The completed Section Condition Record
general information since the PCI accounts for each of
with distress information can be used to evaluate M&R
these factors through distress types.
requirements and to provide quantities of repair for cost
(d) The total number of sample units in
estimates. It is very important to note that the deduct
the section is recorded (in the example, 5).
(e) The number of random units
surveyed is recorded. In the example, five units (all the
units) were surveyed.
(f) The number of additional units
surveyed is recorded (in the example, zero). If the