TM 5-623
Figure 4-7. PCI us age illustrating high short-term rate of deterioration.
d. Distress evaluation. Examination of the specific
each group.
For evaluation purposes (fig 4-1),
distresses have been classified into three groups based
distress types, severities, and quantities present in a
on cause.
These groups are load associated,
pavement section can help identify the cause of
climate/durability associated, and other factors.
addition, the effect of drainage on distress occurrence
M&R needs.
Tables 4-1 and 4-2 list general
should always be investigated. The following steps
classification of distress types for asphalt-and concrete-
should be followed to determine the primary cause or
surfaced pavement according to their cause and effect
causes of pavement condition deterioration for a given
on pavement conditions. Conditions at each pavement
pavement section.
section will dictate which distresses will be placed in