TM 5-623
that can be used to determine whether variation exists.
4-1. Introduction
When a PCI value of a sample unit in the section is less
M&R needs and priorities are highly related to the PCI,
than the sample unit critical PCI value, a localized
since the PCI is determined by distress information
random variation exists. For example, if the mean PCI of
which is a key factor in establishing pavement M&R
a section is 59, any sample unit with a PCI of less than
requirements. This chapter describes how to do a
42 should be identified as a localized bad area by circling
payment evaluation, how to determine feasible M&R
"Yes" under item 2a on the form. This variation should
alternatives, and how to establish M&R priorities. These
be considered when determining M&R needs.
guidelines should be based on the PCI, with
Systematic variation occurs whenever a large,
consideration given to other important factors including
concentrated area of a section has significantly different
pavement load-carrying capacity.
condition. For example, if traffic is channeled into a
pavement testing techniques may be used in this load-
certain portion of a large parking lot, that portion may
carrying capacity evaluation. A specific M&R alternative
show much more distress or be in a poorer condition
can often be selected for a pavement section that is in
than the rest of the area. Whenever a significant amount
very good or excellent condition without a life-cycle cost
of systematic variability exists within a section, the
analysis. In cases where a life-cycle cost analysis is
section should be subdivided into two or more sections.
necessary to select among feasible alternatives, the live-
In that example being considered (fig 4-1) there was no
cycle cost analysis method described in chapter 5 should
localized random or systematic variation, so "No" was
be used.
circled at both lines 2a and 2b.
c. Rate of deterioration of condition-PCI. Both the
4-2. Pavement evaluation procedure
long and short-term rate of deterioration of each
Evaluation is performed on a section-by-section basis
pavement section should be checked. The long-term
since each section represents a unit of the pavement
rate is measured from the time of construction or time of
last overall M&R (such as an overlay). The rate is
subjected to consistent traffic loadings. It is necessary to
determined as low, normal, or high using figures 4-3
make a comprehensive evaluation of pavement condition
through 4-6. The figures are for the following four
before rational determination of feasible M&R
payment types respectively: asphalt concrete (AC)
alternatives can be made. A step-by-step description of
pavements, AC overlay over AC pavements, Portland
how to complete the DA Form 5147-R, Section
cement concrete (PCC) pavements, and AC overlay over
Evaluation Summary (fig. E-3) is given below. An
PCC pavements. Development of the curves delineating
example of a completed DA Form 5147-R is shown at
figure 4-1.
on field data from Fort Eustis, Virginia. For example, an
a. Overall condition. The PCI of a pavement
AC pavement that is 20 years old with a PCI of 50 is
section describes the section's overall condition. The
considered to have a high long-term rate of deterioration
PCI, and thus the section condition rating (e.g., good or
with respect to other AC pavements.
very good), is based on many field tests and represents
the collective judgment of experienced pavement
should also be determined since a high short-term
engineers. In turn, the overall condition of the section
deterioration rate can indicate the imminent failure of a
correlates highly with the needed level of M&R. In figure
pavement section (fig. 4-7). In general, whenever the
4-1 the PCI of the section under consideration was 15,
PCI of a section decreases by 7 or more PCI points in a
so that number was recorded on line 1 and the
year, the deterioration rate should be considered high. If
appropriate rating-"very poor"-circled.
the loss in PCI points is 4 to 6, the short-term
b. Variations of the PCI within section.
deterioration rate should be considered normal. It
variation within a section can occur on a localized
random basis, and/or a systematic basis. Figure 4-2,
which was developed from field data, gives guidelines