TM 5-623
b. Pavement condition inspection. THE process of
1-1. Purpose
inspecting installation pavement to determine existing
The purpose of this manual is to describe a pavement
distresses and their severity and to compute the
maintenance management system (PAVER) for use at
pavement condition index (PCI)-a rating system that
military installations. This system is available in either a
measures the pavement integrity and surface operational
manual or computerized mode.
The maintenance
condition (chap 3).
standards prescribed should protect Government
property with an economical and effective expenditure of
c. M&R determination. The process of establishing
maintenance funds commensurate with the functional
M&R requirements and priorities based on inspection
requirements and the planned future use of the facilities.
data, PCI, and other relevant information such as traffic,
The majority of pavements on Army installations were
built many years ago, and thus, many have reached their
economic design life. Because of limited maintenance
d. Economic analyses of M&R alternatives. The
funds, timely and rational determination of maintenance
process of using life-cycle cost analysis to rank various
and repair (M&R) needs and priorities are very important
M&R alternatives (chap 5).
factors. These factors can be determined by using
PAVER as described in this manual. The use of PAVER
e. Data management. A manual system (card
by personnel who have the responsibility for pavement
system) for handling data is described in chapter 6. An
maintenance should assure uniform, economical, and
automated system is described briefly in chapter 7.
satisfactory surfaced area maintenance and repair.
When information in this publication varies from that
contained in the latest issue of Federal or Military
1-4. Implementation of PAVER
specifications, the specifications shall apply. Reference
The level of implementation is a function of the
to Federal, Military or other specifications is to the
installation size, existing pavement condition and
current issues of these specifications as identified by
available manpower and money resources. The highest
their basic number(s).
level of implementation would be the inclusion of all
pavements on the installation and use of the automated
1-2. Applicability
system. The lowest level would be use of the PCI as the
This manual applies to Army elements responsible for
basis for project approvals and establishment of
maintenance and repair (M&R) of asphalt or concrete-
priorities. A gradual implementation may be practical for
surfaced roads, streets, parking lots, and hardstands.
many installations. This includes starting with a specific
Airfield pavement management is covered by AFR 93-5
group of pavements at the installation (such as primary
which becomes part of this manual by reference. (See
roads and pavements experiencing a high rate of
app A.)
including other pavements on a predefined schedule.
1-3. Scope
Technical advise concerning any procedures outlined in
this manual may be obtained from US Army Facilities
The system presented in this manual consists of the
Engineering Support Agency, ATTN: FESA-EB, Fort
following components:
Belvoir, VA 22060.
a. Network identification. The process of dividing
installation pavement networks into manageable
1-5. PAVER forms
segments for the purpose of performing pavement
DA Forms 5145-R through 5156-R (figs E-1 through E-
inspection and determining M&R requirements and
13) used for PAVER and described hereafter in this
priorities (chap 2).
manual will be reproduced locally on 8 by 11-inch
paper. Appendix E contains blank reproducibles.