TM 5-826-6/AFR 93-5
replacement (figs. A-89 and A-90). There is a complete loss of sealant, and joint is filled with incompressible material (fig.
Figure A-89. High severity joint seal damage.
Figure A-90. High severity joint seal damage.
(3) Counting procedure. Joint seal damage is not counted on a slab-by-slab basis, but is rated based on the
overall condition of the sealant over the entire section.
v. Small patching (less than 5 square feet), distress 66.
(1) Description. A patch is an area where the original pavement has been removed and replaced by a filler
material. For condition evaluation, patching is divided into two types: small (less than 5 square feet) and large (over 5
square feet). Large patches are described in section w.
(2) Severity levels.
(a) Low severity level (L). Patch is functioning well with little or no deterioration (figs. A-91 and A-92).