TM 5-826-6/AFR 93-5
Figure A-81. High severity longitudinal crack, case 1.
Figure A-82. High seventy longitudinal crack, case 2.
(3) Severity levels, reinforced PCC.
(a) Low severity levels (L). One of these conditions exists:
- Nonfilled cracks 1/8 inch to < 1/2 inch wide with no faulting or spalling.
- Filled or nonfilled cracks of any width < 1/2 inch with low severity spalling.
- Filled cracks of any width (filler satisfactory), with no faulting or spalling.
(b) Medium severity level (M). One of these conditions exists:
- Nonfilled cracks 1/2 inch to < 1 inch wide, with no faulting or spalling.
- Nonfilled cracks of width < 1 inch with faulting < 3/8 inch or medium severity spalling.
- Filled cracks of any width with faulting < 3/8 inch or medium severity spalling.
(c) High severity level (H). One of these conditions exits:
- Nonfilled cracks of width > 1 inch.