UFC 3-260-02
30 June 2001
D. Establishes procedures to ensure an annual review of all waived items.
D. Establishes the administrative procedures for processing waivers.
D. Maintains (for record) one copy of all pertinent documents relative to each waiver,
including a record of staff coordination on actions at base and command levels.
D.2.5.4. Base Civil Engineer:
D. Coordinates with base flight safety, airfield management, and flight operations offices to
request waivers.
D. Following Airfield Management, Flight Safety, and Civil Engineer analysis and
recommendation about a waiverable condition, annotates proposed waiver location on appropriate
E series map for MAJCOM evaluation.
D. Establishes maps of approved waivered items in accordance with AFI 32-7062, Base
Comprehensive Planning, and maintains this information on the appropriate E-series map (see
AFI 32-7062, Attachment 7). Also see AFJMAN 11-226 US Standard for Terminal Instrument
Procedures (TERPS), and AFMAN 11-230, Instrument Procedures.
D. Develops a Military Construction Program or other project to systematically correct non-
permanent waivers.
D. Presents a summary of waived items to the Facility Board each year for information and
D. Establishes a procedure for recording, reviewing, and acting on waivers. Maintains
records similar to those required at the MAJCOM.
D. Requests a temporary waiver from the facility commander for any construction projects
which violate any airfield clearance criteria during or after the completion of the construction
project. The base must request a temporary waiver at least 45 days before the scheduled
construction start date, or an emergency temporary waiver when 45 days are not possible. NOTE:
Quick reaction or emergency maintenance and repair requirements are exempt from this
requirement; however, the Base Civil Engineer will coordinate with base flight safety and flight
operations offices to ensure implementation of safety measures.
D. Advises the MAJCOM of any canceled waivers.
D.2.5.5. ANGRC/CEP (for ANG facilities):
D. Develops policy on waivers and manages the ANG waiver program.
D.3. Navy and Marine Corps:
D.3.1. Applicability:
D.3.1.1. Use of Criteria. The criteria in this manual apply to Navy and Marine Corps aviation
facilities located in the United States, its territories, trusts, and possessions. Where a Navy or
Marine Corps aviation facility is a tenant on a civil airport, use these criteria to the extent
practicable; otherwise, FAA criteria apply. Where a Navy or Marine Corps aviation facility is host
to a civilian airport, these criteria will apply. Apply these standards to the extent practical at
overseas locations where the Navy and Marine Corps have vested base rights. While the criteria
in this manual are not intended for use in a theater-of-operations situation, they may be used as a
guideline where prolonged use is anticipated and no other standard has been designated.
D.3.1.2. Criteria at Existing Facilities. The criteria will be used for planning new aviation facilities
and new airfield pavements at existing aviation facilities (exception: primary surface width for
Class B runway). Existing aviation facilities have been developed using previous standards which
may not conform to the criteria herein. Safety clearances at existing aviation facilities need not be
upgraded solely for the purpose of conforming to this criteria. However, at existing aviation