Attachment 18
support equipment installation. The project siting engineer, in determining the site recommendation,
should fix the ATCT siting and height to the cab floor with assistance from and concurrence of Base
Communications (Plans and Programs), Base Airfield Operations Flight (Control Tower and Airfield
Management), and Base Civil Engineering offices. The project engineer for support equipment installation
will establish internal ancillary equipment requirements based on an assessment of operational needs.
Suggested procedures for selecting an ATCT site are in A18.4.1 and A18.4.2 below:
A18.4.1. Office Study by Siting Engineers.
A18.4.1.1. Using elements of the most up-to-date Base Comprehensive Plan, make tentative site
selections. Using elements of the Base Comprehensive Plan and the 35-minute depth perception
requirements, determine the approximate tower height for each tentative site selected.
A18.4.1.2. Analyze more than one tentative site if appropriate.
A18.4.2. Field Study by Siting Engineers:
A18.4.2.1. Conduct field review of the office-selected tentative sites plus other sites that merit
consideration based on discussions with base organizations and the on-location surveys. Consider
both siting requirements and siting considerations previously discussed.
A18.4.2.2. Consider in the survey of each site the availability and cost of access roads, utility
extensions, and communications cable relocations. The Base Civil Engineer should make the cost
estimates. Also, the Base Civil Engineer should evaluate each site to determine the adequacy of
ground conditions for structural support of the tower, drainage characteristics, and availability of
A18.4.2.3. Use profile drawings and shadow maps to determine areas of visibility restrictions due
to other structures.
A18.4.2.4. If available and practical, obtain panoramic pictures taken at the proposed tower cab
eye level at each tentative site. Photographs should be in color to allow precise interpretation of the
surfaces and objects viewed, and should be oriented to true north and for the complete 360-degree
horizontal plane around the site. Suggested methods of taking pictures are from a helicopter,
cherry picker, or crane boom.
A18.4.2.5. Consider the environmental impact of each site. The Environmental Impact Analysis
Process (EIAP) is accomplished through the base civil engineer.
A18.4.3. TERPS Analysis. To determine if a new control tower will be an obstruction factor, the
TERPS Specialist will evaluate the proposed tower location and final elevation, and determine it's
affect to all instrument procedures. Penetrations of the Transitional Surface may not necessarily affect
instrument procedures. NOTE: Towers will not be sited within the Primary Surface (less than 304.8
meters (1,000 feet) from a runway centerline except at locations required to operate under International
Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards. At these locations, the tower must be located at least
228.6 meters (750 feet) from the runway centerline.
A18.5. Site Recommendations. On completing the field study, siting participants should evaluate each
alternative location and should recommend a site. The project siting engineer should then compile all
siting data, comparisons, and determinations (including the siting recommendation) in a Statement of
Intent (SOI). If practical, the SOI should be signed by all participating personnel, the base
communications officer, the Base Civil Engineer, and the base commander. If practical, the SOI must be