TM 5-822-11/AFP 88-6, Chap. 7
(1) Low severity crack, hairline to inch
same manner as for a joint. The integrity of the
wide with no spalling does not require widening
crack should be maintained through the repaired
or sealing.
(2) Hairline crack to inch wide with
(5) Cracks to 1 inch wide with no
minor spalling should be widened with a router or
spalling should be routed and sealed. Backer rod
concrete saw and sealed.
material should be used if the crack is greater than
(3) Cracks to inch wide with no
inch deep or a separating tape if it is less than
spalling and rough edges or with minor spalling
inch deep.
should be widened with a router or concrete saw
(6) Cracks to 1 inch wide with major
and sealed.
spalling should be rebuilt as if the crack were a
(4) Cracks d to inch wide with major
spalling should have the spalls repaired in the