TM 5-822-11/AFP 88-6, Chap. 7
sealant. Because of the pavement age, the likeli-
should be used. V-shaped plow tools, as shown in
hood of spalling being present is much greater
figure 4-14, must not be used because chipping
than for new joints. The procedures necessary for
and spalling of the concrete will occur without
sealing old joints are as follows:
completely removing the sealant from the joint.
(1) Remove the old sealant.
Figure 4-15 shows a joint that was spalled using a
(2) Reface the joints (as required).
V-shaped plow. Handtools are required to remove
(3) Rebuild any defective joints.
the existing sealant in areas where mechanized
(4) Clean the joints.
removal equipment cannot operate. Compressed
(5) Apply appropriate backer material.
air is used to remove the loose debris from the
joint, and a power broom is used to remove the
b. Sealant Removal
debris from the pavement surface.
(1) Field-poured sealant removal is usually
(2) Preformed elastomeric compression
accomplished using a joint plow attachment. An
seals can be removed by hand when the lengths
alternative method of removal is to use the water-
are short. Longer lengths can be started by hand
blasting equipment as shown in figure 4-5. The
and then use a tractor to pull the seal out of the
depth of the sealant to be removed is usually
indicated on the plans with typical removal being
c. Sawing or Refacing. Some joints will require
twice the final width of the joint or approximately
sawing to clean the joint faces and/or to produce
1-1/2 inches deep. The actual depth of sealant that
the depth and width specified in the plans. The
must be removed from the joint depends upon
sawing will allow the proper shape factor to be
space required to install the backer material, the
obtained and will provide clean joint faces to
sealant, and the required recess of the sealant.
which the field-poured sealant can bond. Refacing
Care must be taken to prevent damage to the
the joint will also provide a vertical sidewall
concrete when the joint plow is used. If the plow
which will help prevent the new sealant from
tools are sized properly, it will not be necessary to
being pushed out of the joint. Joints that are
exert excess force to remove the old sealant. If
greater than 1 inch wide should not be widened
excess force is being used, a smaller size tool
unless they are expansion joints. When preformed