Table 26
End Uses for Landfill Sites
End Use
Major problems encountered include
damaged landscaping due to landfill
- Golf courses
gas settlement (generally only
a major problem in ballfields or
- Parks and Play areas,
other developed areas); broken
including ball diamonds
water irrigation lines due to
differential settlement.
- Archery ranges
- Open space with passive
recreation; walking,
bird walking, etc.
Commercial and Light
Typically, the structures are placed
Industrial Development
on piles to Protect against different
settlements. Although some small buil
(10 feet x 15 feet [3 meters x 5 mete
have been constructed using floating
foundations. Significant maintenance
required in both cases: landfill grad
adjacent to buildings on piles requir
almost continuous raising due to sett
and areas adjacent to buildings place
floating slabs require periodic level
and adjustment of surface grades due
differential settlement.
Landfill Gas Recovery
Landfill gas can be recovered in conj
with other site end uses, including
recreation, commercial development, e
Coordination between activities is im
since access to recovery wells and
collection header piping must be main