Self-propelled and self-loading elevating scrapers are particularly
useful in Sites that require extensive soil stockpiling and handling. Th
can economically haul cover soil over distances in excess of 1,000 feet (
meters). Hauling capacities range from 9 cubic yards (7 cubic meters) to
just over 50 cubic yards (38 cubic meters).
Because self-propelled scrapers are costly to purchase, smaller sites
should investigate leasing, renting, borrowing, or contracting arrangemen
before purchasing. For example, a single scraper, operating for a month
less, could excavate and stockpile enough soil for an entire year for sma
landfills. Draglines. The dragline is an excellent excavating machine.
However, since the unit cost of excavating soil with a dragline is higher
than that of scrapers, its use is usually limited to sites with high
rainfall or wet soils, where its ability to excavate soils while based in
one location enables it to operate effectively. The dragline is most
commonly found at large landfills where the trench method is used or wher
cover material is obtained from a borrow pit. As a rule of thumb, the
boom length should be two times the trench width. Buckets used at
landfills usually range from 1 to 3 cubic yards (0.8 to 2.3 cubic meters)
7.5.3 Equipment Selection. No one machine is capable of performing all
functions equally well. However, for the majority (if not all) Naval bas
landfills, one piece of equipment (e.g., a track loader) could suffice as
the only piece of full-time equipment required for landfilling operations
Guides that have been proposed by equipment manufacturers and others shou
be considered only rough estimates of equipment needs for a particular
landfill (see Table 25).
7.6 Closure and Postclosure. A sanitary landfill should be closed in
accordance with the design plan prepared for the site. Prior to closure,
is expeditious to have determined the site's end use. A discussion of
possible end uses is given in Table 26.
Once the site closure plan has been approved and the site closed in
accordance with that plan, the postclosure monitoring and maintenance per
will then begin. closure and postclosure monitoring activities include:
a) Bringing all areas of the site surface to final grade.
b) Application of final cover soil. The minimum depth of final
cover should be 2 feet (0.6 meter). To cut down on water infiltration,
additional cover thickness or a specialized cover configuration (see
Figure 26 derived from California Water Regulations, subchapter 15, Waste
Disposal to Land) may be required. Also, site areas landscaped with deep
rooted plants will require greater soil depths, perhaps up to 5 or 6 feet
(1.5 to 1.8 meters).
c) Construction of all permanent drainage facilities.
d) Completion of site landscaping for aesthetics and dust and
erosion control.
e) Installation of permanent leachate and gas control or recovery
facilities that may not have previously been installed.