7.4.6 Soil Availability. The estimated quantity and adequacy of onsite
soil for use as cover soil will have been determined during the site
selection process. The logistics of soil excavation, stockpiling, and
placement should be more thoroughly evaluated during design. Excavation
stockpiling of soil should be closely coordinated with soil use for the
following reasons:
a) Soil determined to be readily excavatable and suitable for use as
cover may be located in only certain areas of the site. The excavation p
should designate that soil be removed from these areas before filling has
proceeded atop them.
b) Accelerated excavating programs may be desirable during warm weat
to avoid the need to excavate frozen soil during cold weather.
c) Soil stockpiles should be located out of the way of haul vehicles
using the landfill, but convenient for daily placement of cover. This
consideration is critical in order to avoid unnecessary material handling
and to maintain a clean site.
d) Soil stockpiles should be laid out and maintained to minimize
erosion from rainfall runoff.
e) Stockpiling of soil atop already filled areas can accelerate
settlement, thereby increasing site capacity.
7.4.7 Special Working Areas. Special working areas should be designated
the site plan for inclement weather (e.g., wet weather), special wastes,
other contingency situations. Access roads to these areas should be of
all-weather construction and the area kept grubbed and graded. Arrangeme
for special working areas may include locating such areas closer to the
landfill entrance gate. If private vehicles deliver waste, an onsite
transfer station or solid waste bin can be maintained to reduce passenger
car and truck traffic conflicts.
In addition to being readily accessible, areas for disposal in inclem
weather should be constructed to allow unhindered refuse disposal. Vehic
should not become mired in a muddy surface. All rainfall runoff should b
diverted around or away from these areas. They should either be construc
on natural ground or over refuse which has been in place for preferably o
a year, and which is covered with a compacted soil layer a minimum of 2 f
(0.6 meter) thick. In either case, a final, low moisture-penetrating,
hardened surface (such as crushed rock or crushed concrete) should be pla
atop the inclement weather area.
7.4.8 Buildings and Structures. Buildings and structures typically
provided at landfill sites include:
a) Office.
b) Employee facilities (e.g., lunchroom, showers, sanitary
c) Equipment storage and maintenance.