UFC 3-240-13FN
25 May 2005
POLICY. Most non-chemical water treatment devices or equipment are
not currently authorized for use on military installations, as stated in paragraph 1-1.5.
The Air Force will allow their use only under an Energy Saving Performance Contract
(ESPC) in which the contractor assumes all performance-based risk. The performance
standards for system component protection must meet or exceed those that are
achievable with chemical treatment. For the Navy's policy see NAVFACINST
11300.37A, "Energy and Utilities Policy Manual."
Function. Non-chemical devices for use in industrial water systems are
designed to require little or no chemical treatment to solve or prevent one or more types
of water-related problems, including scale, corrosion, slime, and odor. Some of the
technologies are represented as non-chemical, when in fact they produce chemicals
(e.g., ozone, and copper and silver ions). These technologies could be better described
as non-traditional water treatment chemical devices. The various types of non-chemical
devices are described in paragraph 8-2.
Acceptance. To date, there has not been a general acceptance of most
non-chemical devices. Manufacturer's representations as to their effectiveness and
adequacy in performing the intended functions may not be supported by adequate
performance data. Non-biased, independent verification of performance conducted by a
third-party entity is an important component of the process that should be used to
establish performance criteria of new technologies and equipment. This verification step
has not always been performed for a given technology. Recognition of the adequacy of
a non-chemical technology and acceptance of its use by professional societies such as
ASHRAE, the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE International), and
CTI could provide an increased level of confidence that the technology does in fact
work, at least on some basis and to some extent.
Performance Standards. Traditional water treatment evaluation
techniques and performance results provide the standard by which non-chemical
devices should be measured. A complete water treatment program must address
deposit control, corrosion control, microbiological control, and water conservation.
These standards are described in Chapter 10. If a non-chemical water treatment device
addresses only deposit control, but not corrosion or microbiological control, then it
cannot make a claim to eliminate the need for all chemicals. The water treatment
program would still require chemicals to control the problems that the non-chemical
device cannot control.
chemical devices for water treatment are hardware devices that do not use chemicals
for the purpose of controlling or preventing corrosion, deposition, and biological growth
in industrial water systems. This Chapter discusses the various types of non-chemical
devices on the market. It is not intended to endorse or validate any of these