UFC 3-240-13FN
25 May 2005
sidestream using a three-valve bypass configuration. Feeders may have funnels or
screw caps. The overall volume of a water treatment system should be considered
when determining the proper size of a pot feeder. A 3.78-liter (1-gallon) pot feeder on a
75,700-liter (20,000-gallon) closed system can work, but is not practical. A larger 18.9-
liter (5-gallon) pot feeder is more practical. Some pot feeders are designed to serve a
dual purpose as a filter.
Figure 7-1. Chemical Pot Feeder
Dry Chemical Feeders. Small cooling towers often require a dry,
granular, or pelletized product for control of scale, corrosion, or microbiological
organisms. The dry chemical can be placed in a plastic mesh bag and hung in the
cooling tower sump or put into a plastic container having small holes through which a
stream of water can pass. Small cooling towers can be shock-fed with a liquid chemical
agent, such as a biocide. This practice is not efficient and may be ineffective. The
manual handling of biocides also raises safety concerns. A liquid chemical feed system
may be more effective.
Automatic Chemical Feed with Manual Preparation. This type of feed
system is commonly found on steam boilers for which an operator must physically
prepare a chemical mixture specific for that boiler operation. After preparation, the
chemical mixture is automatically fed on demand using a chemical pump that is