UFC 3-240-13FN
25 May 2005
0.7 to 1.0 for water treated with Quebracho tannin, depending on the amount of tannin
in the water. Conductivity and TDS are used to determine the COC and the potential for
scale formation (see Chapter 3).
water tester should be provided with a separate working space to perform the required
routine water control tests. This space can be a separate room having a suitable work
bench, a sink and cabinet, a distilled or deionized water source, and adequate
ventilation, heating, and cooling. Standard white fluorescent lighting at reading intensity
can be provided. A record file for test results and references can be located in the test
Recommended Laboratory Equipment. At each location, laboratory
equipment should be selected so that all routine water tests can be performed. The
equipment list can include standard glassware such as beakers, test tubes, graduated
cylinders, and casseroles so the tests can be performed efficiently. The equipment
required for each test can be included with the appropriate test kit.
Chemical Reagents. A master list of chemical reagents can be
maintained. The list includes testing reagents that are stocked, their reference number,
the quantity of stock, and the test for which the reagent is used. The minimum stock
level should be defined and the reagent ordered when that level is reached. The
chemical reagents required for field tests will be included with the appropriate test kit.
The supplier provides an MSDS for each of the chemical reagents, and it should be kept
in the vicinity of the test area in case of an emergency.