UFC 3-240-13FN
25 May 2005
range in size from small to large capacity.
Components of a Cooling Tower. Figure 4-10 shows a simple diagram
of a 1-fan, induced-draft, cross-flow cooling tower. The major parts of the tower include
the basin and cold well, louvers, fill, water distribution (and fan) deck, drift eliminators,
fan and fan discharge, and the endwall casings.
Figure 4-10. Induced-Draft Cross-Flow Cooling Tower Components
Basin and Cold Well. The basin is that portion of the cooling tower
structure located under the tower that is used for collecting cooled water and which can
be used as a location for adding makeup water. The cold well is a deepened portion of
the basin that contains submerged water circulation pumps. The basin may be
constructed of concrete, wood, metal, or fiberglass.
Louvers. Louvers are flat or corrugated members constructed of wood,
plastic, cement board, or fiberglass, and installed across (horizontally) the open side of
a tower. The main function of louvers is to prevent water from splashing out of the
cooling tower through the openings where air enters the tower. Louvers are usually set
at an angle to the direction of airflow.