Section 3:
Introduction. Estimating wastewater flow rates and
characteristics is an essential step in the design of wastewater
facilities. If the wastewater to be treated exists, take flow
measurements and test the wastewater. If the wastewater to be
treated is not existing, or if significant increases in the
wastewater flows are projected, estimate flows and
characteristics by using data from similar facilities or from
the information provided here and in WEF MOP 8 (Volumes I and II)
and WEF MOP FD-5.
In addition to conventional domestic wastewater, there
is a small component of industrial wastewater discharges unique
industrial flows such as vehicle/aircraft wash facility
wastewater. Also, because of the unique nature of military
operations, which can vary considerably and may be intermittent,
wastewater flows will exhibit significant variations that must be
considered in the design of wastewater collection and treatment
Wastewater Sources and Characteristics. Table 2 shows
the typical major components of wastewater carried by sanitary
sewers at military installations.
Domestic Wastewater Flow. Domestic wastewater is a
typical component of wastewater, both military and nonmilitary.
As indicated above, domestic wastewater is the normal wastewater
produced by the domestic activities of people (i.e., flows from
toilets, urinals, showers, sinks, washing machines, dishwashers,
etc.). Sources of these flows will include both residential
personnel or employees who only work at the installation.
In addition, the resident or work population may increase
periodically or intermittently because of the nature of the
military installation.
Infiltration and Inflow. Infiltration and inflow (I/I)
is the extraneous water from either groundwater or surface water
runoff sources which enters the collection system and becomes a
component of the wastewater flow and which is conveyed and
treated at the wastewater treatment facility. Depending on the