equipment for proper installation, alignment, smooth operation,
non-excessive power draw, etc. Conduct tests to confirm
equipment performance as specified in contract documents. For
example, for pumps, use clean water, pump under design conditions
and confirm that flow rate, operating pressures, and power draw
meet specified requirements.
monitoring, control, and alarm functions. Simulate alarm
conditions and verify control set points.
System Performance. Operate systems and confirm
that all components, interlocks, controls, and the overall system
perform as specified.
After startup of the facility, review the performance
of the facilities according to the facility design. To the
extent possible, unit processes should be loaded to design
conditions to determine that they are performing adequately.
For example, if initial flows are one-half the design flow, one-
half the facilities should be used to simulate design conditions.
In addition, to confirm that plant effluent limitations are
reliably met, evaluate unit process efficiencies such as the
efficiency of aeration systems, chemical usage rates, dewatered
solids concentrations, and other process performance components
that will significantly affect operation and maintenance costs.