the characteristics of the solids. Class A and B solids can be
applied in bulk form to agricultural land, forests, or
reclamation sites. Class A solids can also be applied in bulk
form to lawns or gardens, or sold or given away in bags or other
For additional information on the Part 503 regulations,
refer to EPA/G25/R-92-013, Environmental Regulations and
Technology: Control of Pathogens and Vector Attraction in Sewage
Sludge (Including Domestic Sewage) Under 40 CFR Part 503.
O&M Manuals. Every wastewater facility should have a
site-specific, up-to-date O&M manual to provide guidance to the
facilities staff. Regulators generally require these manuals;
see MIL-HDBK-353 for additional requirements. As part of any
wastewater facilities construction or expansion project, prepare
a new manual or update or supplement the existing manual to
include the new facilities. O&M manuals will generally consist
of two major parts: the operations manual, which is normally
prepared by the designer of the facilities, and a maintenance
manual, which includes the equipment manufacturer's
recommendations and procedures for maintenance.
Operations Manual. The operations portion of the O&M
manual should normally be prepared by the design engineer. The
operations manual should include the following:
Plant design basis, including design flows and
loads, hydraulic profile, mass balance, and effluent limitations.
Include all current permit requirements.
Overall description of each process, its purpose,
and configuration.
Process data summary presenting process design
criteria, basin/tank sizes, and equipment type, size capacity,
Process schematics showing all normal and
Operating procedures, including process startup,