TM 5-820-3/AFM 88-5, Chap. 3
the structure can be determined from a known dis-
All of the curves shown in figure 7-3 were devel-
charge and allowable head or width of chute by
oped with the radius of an abutment equal to three
using the charts provided in figure 7-3. The curve
times the width of the chute. If it becomes
with D=O is for a level approach to a drop. The
necessary to increase the radius of the abutments
following equation can be used to determine the
because of upstream embankments or other rea-
discharge at given head and chute width when no
sons, as will probably be the case for smaller
drop is provided.
chutes, the equation for D = 0 should be used for
design since the radius of the abutments will have
little effect on the discharge.
Q = 3.1 W H 1.5
(eq 7-1)