TM 5-814-8
usually disposed of by discharge to surface water-
environmental nuisances including oxygen deple-
ways. Thus, water is returned to the water cycle
tion, color and turbidity, algae blooms, and public
health problems. Non-degradable constituents and
toxic materials should generally be eliminated
may have detrimental effects on the environment
from wastewaters prior to discharge to the ocean.
of the receiving surface waters.
Once these materials reach the marine environ-
a. Waste water characteristics. In dealing with
ment their fate is unknown and uncontrollable.
wastewaters, several typical undesirable charac-
Toxic materials may be passed to man through
teristics may be identified. These are listed in
marine food chains. They may cause fish kills or
table 2-1. Although an individual wastewater
sublethal effects on marine organisms.
may not have all of these characteristics, it is
d. Land discharges. Wastewater discharged to
important to recognize the detrimental factors
land should be considered on a constituent-
which may be present and the effects they may
by-constituent basis in order to make sure that
have on the environment. The parameters used to
no land is irreversibly removed from some other
describe the quality of wastewater are discussed
potential use. Land application of wastewater
in chapter 3. Examples of typical wastewater
characteristics from specific sources are also pre-
waste into the upper zone of the soil-plant system
with the objective being assimilation of all con-
b. Surface discharges. Federal, State, and local
stituents by mechanisms such as microbial de-
governments h a v e p l a c e d r e s t r i c t i o n s o n
wastewater discharge quality in order to control
plant recovery. Adequately designed land applica-
the detrimental effects of contaminants as de-
scribed in the last section. These restrictions may
require a certain type of treatment system be
and other aesthetic nuisances in the application
used, or they may specify concentration limits on
area. Assimilative capacities of each wastewater
certain parameters regardless of the treatment
constituent must be carefully established in order
system used. Typically, the quality of the receiv-
to make sure none are exceeded.
i n g stream or body of water is taken into
e. Atmospheric discharges. The atmospheric en-
consideration along with the intended use of the
vironment should also be considered during all
water following the wastewater discharge. Each
phases of a wastewater management program.
state has classified its major streams and bodies
Although only a small portion of the wastewater
of water according to their own set of use
constituents is intentionally discharged to the air
classifications. The regulations involved in water
there may be unintentional discharges of suffi-
quality control are discussed in the following
cient magnitude to cause environmental concern.
Atmospheric pollution can be caused by gaseous
c. Ocean discharges. Domestic users and indus-
materials, particulate, or aerosols. The most
trial plants located on the ocean coast may
frequent complaint is associated with malodorous
discharge their treated wastewater through an
gases in the vicinity of a treatment plant. Al-
ocean outfall. Although the ocean offers abundant
though this is the most obvious air pollution
dilution water, careful attention should be given
nuisance it is not necessarily the most severe.
to the fate of the various constituents as they are
Toxic gases and to a lesser extent pathogen-
discharged and their effects on the marine envi-
carrying aerosols may have significant public
ronment. Generally, most degradable organics can
health effects. Careful attention should be given
be safely discharged to the sea if proper discharge
facilities are installed. However, inadequate de-
to the potential air pollution problems that may
sign of discharge facilities may result in severe
arise in any waste treatment design.