TM 5-814-8
ing best techniques and methods available for
1-1. Purpose
the prevention, control, and abatement of
This manual provides general information, guid-
water pollution.
ance, and criteria for water pollution prevention,
To assist users of the manual, bibliographic
control, and abatement programs for Department
references are shown as numbers in parentheses
of the Army activities and installations, including
throughout the text to provide in-depth coverage
contractor activities located on property under
of the processes and treatment trains for the
the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army. Direction is
many wastes discussed in this manual.
provided for formulating pollution control pro-
grams at government facilities located in the U.S.
1-20 S c o p e
where effluent and stream requirements have
This manual describes principles and procedures
been or are being established, as well as at
to be followed in formulating and conducting a
overseas installations where guidelines for pro-
water pollution prevention, control, and abate-
tecting water resources may not have been for-
ment program, and in planning facilities required
malized. Program steps outlined are intended to
for solution of water pollution problems. The
conform to basic policy outlined in Executive
manual provides guidance for selecting and apply-
Order 12088 and implemented by Ar 200-1 and
ing proven technologies for wastewater treatment
AR 200-2. This directive stipulates that Federal
and for solids handling and disposal. Both capital
agencies are to design, construct, manage, oper-
expenditures and operating costs are outlined.
ate, and maintain their facilities to conform with
While the manual is directed primarily toward
Federal, State, interstate, and local water quality
handling of domestic wastewaters, system alter-
standards and effluent limitations in accordance
natives for handling special process wastes from
with the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as
munitions manufacture and processing, metal
amended. This manual will assist field offices and
plating, washrack, photographic, laundry, hospital
commands in formulating water pollution preven-
and other sources are also addressed. The manual
tion, control, and abatement programs to meet
includes technical and cost information needed for
requirements established in the Executive Order
project decisions and supporting data. Authority
which include the following:
to deviate from guidelines presented herein shall
Assurance that all applicable water quality
be obtained from HQDA (DAEN-ECE-B),
standards and effluent limitations are met on
WASH DC 20314-1000. Water pollution prob-
a continuing basis.
lems resulting from surface drainage or storm
Development of an abatement plan and sched-
water runoff are not within the scope of this
ule for meeting applicable standards.
document. Guidance for pollution prevention from
Presentation of an annual plan for funding of
those sources is contained in TM 5-820-1 or TM
improvements in the design, construction,
5-820-4. Guidance for pollution prevention from
management, operation, and maintenance of
Central Vehicle Wash Facilities and from Sched-
existing and new facilities as may be neces-
uled Vehicle Maintenance Facilities is not within
sary to meet applicable standards.
the scope of this document and will be contained
Consideration of the environmental impact for
in forthcoming guidance.
each new facility or modification to an exist-
ing facility in the initial stages of planning in
1-3. Synopsis
accordance with the National Environmental
Policy Act.
a. Waste water management considerations.
Management of water quality at military installa-
--Development of cost information on alterna-
tions requires evaluation of existing water re-
tive process considerations for new facilities
or for modification of existing facilities so
sources, present and future uses, and existing and
that budget requests for design and construc-
potential pollution problems, followed by develop-
ment and implementation of a program for effec-
tion shall reflect the most cost-effective alter-
tive water use and pollution control. Either efflu-
native for meeting applicable standards.
ent or stream standards will dictate the treat-
Consultation, as appropriate, with Federal,
ment performance required. The raw wastewater
State, and local regulatory agencies concern-