reached. The water content in percent of the dry
filter papers and tares weighed at one time should be
weight is subsequently determined, and the soil suc-
kept small (nine or less) to minimize error caused by
tion is found from a calibration curve.
water evaporating from the filter paper.
(1) Apparatus. Materials consist of 2-inch-dia-
(c) The tare is opened and placed in an oven for
meter filter paper, 2-inch-diameter tares, and a gravi-
metric scale accurate to 0.001 g. A filter paper is en-
5 degrees Centigrade. The ovendry weight of the filter
closed in an airtight container with the soil specimen.
paper is then determined, and the water content as a
(2) Procedure.
percent of the dry weight is compared with a calibra-
(a) The filter paper disc is pretreated with 3 per-
tion curve to determine the soil suction.
cent reagent grade pentachlorophenol in ethanol (to in-
(3) Calibration. The ovendry water content of the
filter paper is dependent on the time lapse following
dry. Reagent grade pentachlorophenol is required be-
removal from the drying oven before weighing.
cause impurities in the treatment solution influence
the calibration curve. Care is required to keep the fil-
were determined for various elapsed times following
ter paper from becoming contaminated with soil from
the specimen, free water, or other contaminant (e.g.,
Fisherbrand filter paper, Catalog Number 9-790A, en-
the filter paper should not touch the soil specimen,
closed with salt solutions of various molality for 7
particularly wetted specimens).
days. Calibration curve No. 1 resulted from weighing
(b) Seven days are required to reach moisture
the filter paper 5 seconds following removal from the
oven. Time lapses of 15 minutes and 4 hours lead to a
days, the filter paper is transferred to a 2-inch-clia-
similar calibration curve (No. 3) of significantly small-
meter covered tare and weighed immediately on a
er water contents than the 5-second curve for identi-
cal suctions. Calibration curve No. 2 was determined
gravimetric scale accurate to 0.001 g. The number of