TM 5-818-5/AFM 88-5, Chap 6/NAVFAC P-418
Table 3-4. Approximate Coefficient of Permeability for Various Sands
C o e f f i c i e n t of Permeability k
Type of Sand (Unified
x 10
x 10
S o i l Classification System)
Sandy silt
Silty sand
Very fine sand
Fine sand
Fine to medium sand
Medium sand
Medium to coarse sand
Coarse sand and gravel
U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
filter surrounding the well screen, and the rate of in-
pirical relations between D10 and k (fig. 3-4), which
flow or fall in water level must be accurately meas-
were developed from laboratory and field pumping
ured. Disturbance of the soil adjacent to a borehole or
tests for sands in the Mississippi and Arkansas River
filter, leakage up the borehole around the casing, clog-
valleys. An investigation of the permeability of filter
ging or removal of the fine-grained particles of the
sands revealed that the permeability of clean, rela-
aquifer, or the accumulation of gas bubbles in or
tively uniform, remolded sand could be estimated from
around the well screen can make the test completely
the empirical relation:
k = C (D10)2
unreliable. Data from such tests must be evaluated
k = coefficient of permeability, centimetres per
100 (may vary from 40 to 150)
D 10 = effective grain size, centimetres
Empirical relations between D10 and k are only approx-
imate and should be used with reservation until a cor-
relation based on local experience is available.
c. Field pumping tests. Field pumping tests are the
most reliable procedure for determining the in situ
permeability of a water-bearing formation. For large
dewatering jobs, a pumping test on a well that fully
penetrates the sand stratum to be dewatered is war-
ranted; such tests should be made during the design
phase so that results can be used for design purposes
and will be available for bidders. However, for small
dewatering jobs, it may be more economical to select a
more conservative value of k based on empirical rela-
tions than to make a field pumping test. Pumping tests
are discussed in detail in appendix C.
d. Simple field tests in wells or piezometers. The
permeability of a water-bearing formation can be esti-
mated from constant or falling head tests made in
wells or piezometers in a manner similar to laboratory
permeameter tests. Figure 3-5 presents formulas for
determining the permeability using various types and
installations of well screens. As these tests are sensi-
tive to details of the installation and execution of the
Figure 3-4. D10 versus in situ coefficient of horizontal permeability-
test, exact dimensions of the well screen, casing, and
Mississippi River valley and Arkansas River valley.