EI 02C097
01 Jul 97
(1) Some guidance for selection of pile driving
Chapter 1
equipment and construction of driven piles is provided in
TM 5-849-1, "Pile Driving Equipment."
1. Purpose
(2) Guidance for construction of drilled shafts is
available in FHWA-HI-88-042, "Drilled Shafts:
This publication presents data, principles, and methods for
Construction Procedures and Design Methods" and
use in planning, design, and construction of deep foundations.
Association of Drilled Shaft Contractors (ADSC)
Deep foundations are literally braced (supported) column
Publication, "Drilled Shaft Inspector's Manual."
elements transmitting structure loads down to the subgrade
supporting medium.
4. References
2. Applicability
Appendix A contains a list of references used in this
These instructions are applicable to all HQUSACE elements
and USACE comands.
5. General Design Methodology
3. Scope
A single drilled shaft or a group of driven piles is typically
designed to support a column load. The number of driven
General information with respect to the selection and design
piles in a group is determined by dividing the column load
of deep foundations is addressed herein. Single and groups of
by the design load of a single pile. The piles should be
driven piles and drilled shafts under axial and lateral static
arranged in the group to provide a spacing of about three to
loads are treated. Some example problems and the most
four times the pile diameter B up to 6B. The diameter of the
widely accepted computer methods are introduced. This
piles may be increased to reduce the size of the pile cap if
publication is not intended for hydraulic structures; however,
appropriate. Table 1-1 describes a general design
it does provide the following:
methodology. Other design methodology aspects are the
a. Guidance is provided to assist the efficient planning,
design, and quality verification of the deep foundation.
a. Load factor design. This publication applies load
factors for design (LFD) of the structural capacity of deep
b. Guidance is not specifically provided for design of sheet
foundations. The sum of the factored loads shall not exceed
piles used as retaining walls to resist lateral forces or for the
the structural resistance and the soil resistance. The LFD,
design of stone columns. Other foundation structures may be
the structural resistance, and the soil resistance are all
designed as discussed below:
related to the load factors as follows:
(1) Shallow foundations will be designed using TM 5-818-
(1) Definition. The LFD may be defined as a concept
1, "Soils and Geology; Procedures for Foundation Design of
which recognizes that the different types i of loads Qi that are
Buildings and Other Structures (Except Hydraulic
applied to a structure have varied probabilities of occurence.
Examples of types of loads applied to a structure include the
live load QLL, dead load QDL, wind load QWL, and earthquake
(2) Refer to Foundations (Pile Buck Inc. 1992) and Pile
load QEL. The probability of occurrence of each load is
Foundations in Engineering Practice (Prakash and Sharma
accounted for by multiplying each Qi by a load factor F >
1989) for guidance on design of deep foundations subject to
1.0. The value of Fi depends on the uncertainty of the load.
dynamic load.
(2) Structural resistance. The sum of the factored loads
c. Guidance for construction of deep foundations is
shall be less than the design strength
provided only in minor detail. For construction of deep
foundations, the following references are offered: