Figure 6-9. Typical POL Parking Area
(2) Provide enough width and length for ve-
to accommodate the necessary maneuvering into
hicles to move entirely out of the traffic flow
and out of the dock. Figure 6-12 illustrates a
where cars and buses are using the same drop-off
typical truck loading area for a single-unit truck.
Design for delivery zones should:
(3) Maintain a fairly level grade across the
(1) On a continuous-flow vehicular system,
provide enough length to pull forward, then back
(4) Have curb cuts for barrier-free access onto
into the dock, and then move forward again to
c. Delivery and Service Zones. Delivery and ser-
(2) On a dead-end service drive, provide
vice trucks can access rear or side doors in build-
enough space for the necessary turning move-
ings. These services should not cross pedestrian
traffic or take place over sidewalks. Delivery may
(3) Provide positive drainage away from the
require dock facilities which need sufficient room
loading dock. This may be accommodated by a