(b) Roughly locate additional measures (e.g.,
can conveniently serve future expansion needs. At
walls or fences.)
the intersection of the access road and barracks'
(8) Planting. The plan should:
access drive, an area is designated for a sign and
(a) Locate vegetative massing and identify
landscaping to identify the complex. The landscap-
its proposed functions.
ing will also serve to screen the parking area
(b) Locate existing plant material to be pre-
behind it.
5-4. Concept Site Plan.
(9) Outdoor Space. The plan should:
The concept site plan further refines and details
(a) Begin to provide scale and definition for
the sketch site plan. The concept site plan is a
outdoor spaces.
hardline plan, at scale. It provides accurate loca-
(b) Indicate the functions outdoor space will
accommodate (e.g., formation grounds, travel
tions, dimensions and elevations for facilities and
zones, or active and passive recreation.)
site improvements. The level of detail achieved
(c) Size and locate facilities for active recre-
depends upon the level of detail supplied concern-
ation (e.g., tennis or basketball courts.)
ing the architecture, utilities and other elements
(10) Site Amenities. The plan should identify
affecting the site. The concept plan cannot resolve
any critical areas which need special design con-
all potential problems, but it does attempt to
sideration (e.g., site entries, courtyards or picnic
recognize them. The sooner consideration is given
to all factors affecting site development, the better.
b. Sketch Site Plan for a Battalion Complex.
The concept site plan can help make design team
Figure 5-1 illustrates a sketch site plan for a
members aware of the impacts of the individual
designs before those designs become too en-
battalion complex. It shows the initial design of
the preferred alternative described in chapter 4. It
trenched and difficult to change. The concept site
addresses the concerns which were judged signifi-
plan provides sufficient detail to serve as the basis
cant to the project in that alternative. The plan
for construction documents for the project. The
locates the buildings in an arrangement which,
concept site plan does not resolve all site problems
but indicates, at a minimum, how they will be
together with the primary vehicular and pedes-
addressed and their cost implications.
trian circulation, focuses on the large open space
of the formation grounds. A smaller, more enclosed
a. Principal Considerations. The concept site
plan should address the following principal consid-
private space is developed in the ell of each of the
barracks units. This helps create a desirable resi-
(1) Construction Lines. The plan should
dential character within the complex. The bar-
(a) Locate critical construction lines (e.g.,
racks' access drive and turnaround create a formal
entrance into the complex. By focusing on the
setbacks, easements or building spacing.)
(b) Ensure that facilities do not encroach
formation grounds, the turnaround visually and
physically presents the complex. The barracks'
(2) Buildings. The plan should:
access drive and turnaround allows service vehi-
(a) More precisely define the location of the
cles to enter and exit the site without moving
building footprint.
through the parking areas. Service for the battal-
(b) Identify all entrances, including fire ex-
ion headquarters building is maintained on the
perimeter of its parking area. Service vehicles will
(c) Further refine the outdoor space between
not have to travel through parking aisles. Pedes-
trian circulation within the complex provides easy
(3) Vehicular Circulation and Parking. The
access to and from parking areas and to the game
courts. There is convenient movement between the
plan should:
(a) Provide further definition of access, ser-
various buildings. Instead of crossing the forma-
tion grounds, the sidewalk system is used to define
vice and emergency drives.
(b) Provide further definition of parking ar-
the area. Grading on site is designed to direct the
principal drainage flow from the barracks and
(c) Indicate appropriate turning
radii to be
their parking lots toward the existing drainage
used throughout the site.
culvert. The parking area behind the battalion
(d) Delineate parking spaces, including
headquarters is drained towards the existing
barrier-free spaces, to assure the proper count.
storm system located along the access road. An
(e) Define parking islands and medians.
extensive vegetative screen is developed between
(f) Further refine gate and drop-off areas to
the complex and the motor pool area. Game courts
ensure that they function properly.
are located just north of the complex where they