TM 5-803-13/AFM 126-8
4-1. General. The most critical factors in the selection
since the tree crown is dense and foliage is retained
and establishment of turf are: evaluation of existing site
throughout the year. The seasonal loss of foliage by
and climatic conditions; proposed use of the site under
deciduous vegetation provides an opportunity for
consideration; and maintenance requirements. Other
increased sun exposure and turf growth. Sun exposure
information in this chapter is intended to aid in the actual
may be increased near trees by pruning lower branches to
establishment of turf once a selection is made. Included
a height of S to 10 feet.
(2) Spacing between individual trees and shrubs.
are site preparation, installation and establishment period.
Thinning may be desirable in areas with dense vegetation,
4-2. Microclimatic conditions. Microclimatic
especially if vegetation is diseased or damaged.
conditions relate directly to the site and its environs. They
4-3. Proposed use of the site. Careful
cannot be shown on regional maps because of their site
consideration should be given to the anticipated use of an
a. Sun and wind exposure.
area before turfgrass selection is made. Depending on the
(1) Sun. The total amount of solar energy a given
intensity of use and the level of anticipated maintenance,
turf area receives is determined by the weather, land slope
there are three categories of use: improved, semi-
in relation to year-round solar angles and degree of
improved, and unimproved. The application of these
shading by other vegetation and buildings. South-facing
categories is as follows:
a. Improved grounds. Improved grounds include
slopes will normally have a hot, dry microclimate; north-
facing slopes are usually cool and moist because of lower
acreage on which intensive maintenance activities must
direct solar input and reduced evapotranspirational loss
be performed annually. Included are areas within the
compared with south-facing slopes. In some situations, a
built-up section of an installation which contain lawns
different turf variety will be required for each side of the
and landscape plants, parade grounds, drill fields, athletic
slope. Shade-tolerant cultivars should be considered when
facilities, cemeteries, golf courses (excluding roughs) and
sun exposure is limited.
similar areas. Maintenance operations include mowing,
(2) Wind. Wind affects turfgrass adaptation in
irrigation, fertilization, cultivation, aeration, seeding,
several ways, the most critical of which is as an abrasive
sodding, spraying, pruning, trimming, weed control,
force. Turf subjected to high winds may be damaged if it
insect and disease control, planting for landscape effect,
is not resistant to abrasive wear. The use of protective
wind and sound abatement and other intensive practices.
b. Semi-improved grounds. Semi-improved grounds
mulch is required for the establishment of turf in areas
where high winds prevail.
include areas on which moderate, periodic maintenance is
b. Existing grade and drainage. Excess surface
performed. Included are small-arms ranges, antenna
water can adversely affect the quality of turfgrass by
facilities, picnic areas, mowed road shoulders, golf course
reducing its vigor, creating a shallow root system and
roughs, ammunition storage areas, firebreaks and similar
increasing the potential for compaction and disease if
areas. Maintenance practices normally include such cyclic
water is not removed by either surface or subsurface
variables as soil sterilization, weed and brush control,
drainage. Existing drainage conditions give clues to
erosion and dust control, drainage maintenance and
potential drainage problems and opportunities for
mowing for fire protection.
c. Unimproved grounds. Unimproved grounds
improvement. Since surface drainage is related to the
grade of a site, sites with natural slopes are usually more
include all other acreage not classified as improved or
easily drained than flat sites. Subsurface drainage will
semi-improved. Included are bombing and gunnery areas;
take place naturally if the subsurface soil has suitable
impact, training and maneuver areas; forest areas;
permeability and structure.
agricultural and grazing lands, lakes, ponds and swamps;
c. Existing vegetation. Permanent vegetation on a
beaches; and similar areas requiring limited or no
site affects wind movement, humidity, temperature and
maintenance. Maintenance practices are those which
sun exposure to varying degrees, depending on the den-
might be required by the military mission; soil, water and
sity and height of tree crowns and spacing between
wildlife conservation; floods and fires; and insect or
individual trees and shrubs.
disease epidemics.
(1) Density of the tree crown. Evergreen
d. Use in relation to existing conditions. The inten-
vegetation has most effect on microclimate conditions
sity of use and level of maintenance determine both cat-