TM 5-803-13/AFM 126-8
not be forced into lush grow by application of fertilizer
examined regularly and frequently to determine when
during the latter part of a growing season because tender
watering is needed. In warm, dry weather the soil in a new
new shoots are more vulnerable to freezing temperatures.
planting can dry out in a surprisingly short time. Water
Specific recommendations on fertilizers and application
should be applied immediately if soil is dry to the touch
methods can be obtained from a local Agricultural
a few inches under the surface or if the leaves of plants
Extension agent, state university, Agricultural
are wilting. Watering should be thorough and frequent
Experiment Station or similar source.
d. Control of insects and diseases. If plants have been
enough to assure that the root zones remain moist during
the establishment period. Root balls serve as small
selected with regard to their natural resistance to local
reservoirs of available moisture until new roots can draw
insects and diseases, control of infestations will generally
water from the surrounding soil. To keep moisture from
be simplified. Planting and maintenance procedures
being drawn out of the root balls into dry surrounding
described in this manual will also provide healthy grow-
soil, water should be applied slowly and allowed to soak
ing conditions which reduce susceptibility of plants to
into the ground until the surrounding soil reaches field
infection. If insect infestation or disease damage occurs,
capacity without runoff. This procedure promotes deep
remedial measures should be taken at once. Professional
root growth, which enables the plant to withstand dry
help should be obtained to identify the problem and
periods and accelerates establishment.
recommend specific treatment. Depending on the type
b. Weed control. The area in and around newly-
and size of the affected plant, it is sometimes more
planted trees, shrubs, ground covers and vines should be
expensive to control a disease than it is to replace the
kept weeded so that plants will not suffer from com-
plant. Usually an immune cultivar or different type plant
petition for moisture and plant nutrients. Mulching, as
should be selected as a replacement because many insects
previously mentioned, is highly effective for reducing
and disease organisms reside in the soil. The best defense
against diseases is to keep plants in a healthy condition
should be maintained at the same depth as when initially
by applying good maintenance practices during the
placed in the plant pits and beds.
establishment period and thereafter.
c. Fertilizing. Nitrogen,
phosphorus and potassium are
e. Animal damage. Occasionally, animals will chew or
the three chief chemical elements required by plants to
gnaw the bark of plants. This weakens the plant's natural
produce healthy top and root growth. These elements are
defense against diseases and insects. If damage from
present in varying amounts in most soils and form the
animals occurs, a commercial pruning paint should be
basis for all fertilizers. When plants become established
applied to the wound after trimming away any damaged
in areas approximating natural conditions, with fallen
tissue and ragged bark. In localities where Animal
leaves remaining around them, these elements are
damage is likely to occur, protective cages fashioned
returned to the soil and provide adequate natural
from wire mesh or window screen may be placed around
fertilizer. If plants are surrounded by pavement or located
plants or the base of plants may be painted with a
in an area where leaves are raked and removed, there is
commercial repellent (fig 3-5). Actions to eliminate or
no natural recycling of chemical elements and they must
relocate problem wildlife species should first be coor-
be replaced periodically by fertilizing. The proper time to
dinated with local and state wildlife officials.
f. Additional pruning. Plants of good quality should
begin fertilizing will vary for different kinds of plants and
growing conditions, but it is seldom beneficial to begin
require little additional pruning during the establishment
applications of commercial fertilizers earlier than 6
period. Additional pruning usually will be limited to
months after planting. The type, amount and frequency of
removal of dead or broken branches and some cutting
fertilizer application should be determined on the basis of
back of shrubs. Pruning should be accomplished by
soil conditions and the size and variety of plants
making a clean cut in living wood without bruising tissue
involved. The most effective application method is by
or tearing bark and without leaving stubs. Horizontal cuts
means of a grid of holes punched in the root zone, rather
may heal imperfectly or become rotted and should be
than by surface application, so that both shallow and
avoided. If it is necessary to remove large branches, an
deep roots are reached as quickly as possible without
initial cut should be made on the bottom of the branch to
harming surface feeding roots. In general, fertilizers
prevent tearing the bark. All cuts made in branches 1-inch
containing a large proportion of phosphorus are desirable
or more in diameter should be painted with a commercial
because they promote root growth. Slow-acting fertilizers
pruning paint.
g. Removal of guy wires, identification tags and tree
are preferable to fast-acting or soluble fertilizers that
wrapping. Plants should be inspected periodically to
leach away rapidly. Fertilizer dissipates more rapidly in
highly porous soils. Therefore, applications in sandy soils
determine if guying and staking devices or identification
should be small and frequent. The best time to fertilize is
tags should be loosened. Growth of trunks and branches
shortly before a natural growing season. Plants should
can cause tight wires to cut into the bark. At the end of