TM 5-803-13/AFM 126-8
(2) Methods of staking. Staking will furnish ade-
the inert material is not recommended. Such inert mulches
quate support for trees up to about four inches in
should not be used unless specifically called for on the
diameter. A good staking method is to use three 2- by 2-
planting plan, because their use is often a design decision.
inch stakes, each about 9 feet long, or the equivalent in
This is particularly true when colors of gravel or marble
round natural poles, driven about 1 foot from the outer
are specified.
edges of the root ball in an equilateral triangle to a depth
3-8. Establishment. Maintenance after planting
of 2 to 3 feet, and connected at the tops by 1- by 4-inch
nailed-on-top braces. Alternate staking methods include
should be frequent and thorough so that no period of
the use of two stakes connected to the trunk by 12-gauge
neglect will endanger the successful establishment of the
wire sheathed in garden hose. When using less than three
plants. During the establishment period, many plants may
triangularly-placed stakes, particular attention should be
exhibit abnormal symptoms such as defoliation, off-color
given to the direction of prevailing winds.
foliage, smaller than normal leaves, or lack of flowers or
(3) Securing evergreen trees. Evergreen trees up to
fruit. Sufficient time should be allowed for plants to
6 feet in height usually do not need support. One stake
recover from the trauma of being transplanted. The
placed on the windward side of the tree normally will
condition of new plantings should be checked during
suffice if support is required. Evergreen trees between 7
regular and frequent inspections. The following items
and 12 feet in height should be guyed and anchored as
should be checked and corrected as needed:
outlined above for deciduous trees up to 5-inches in
-- Do plant beds need water?
caliper. Evergreen trees higher than 12 feet should be
-- Do plant beds need to be weeded?
guyed and anchored as outlined above for deciduous trees
-- Is there any sign of disease, insect, animal or storm
over 5-inches in caliper.
g. Mulching. Mulching is well worth its cost under
-- Do plants need additional pruning?
most circumstances, because it promotes growth and
-- Is mulch in good condition?
recovery and reduces the frequency of weeding and
-- Are guy wires secure?
watering. Mulching retains moisture in the area around
-- Are protective hoses in place around the trees where
plants by adding a loose-textured surface covering that
wires are attached?
gives shade to the ground beneath and reduces loss of
-- Is tree wrap securely in place?
water through evaporation. In colder climates, mulch
Maintenance during the establishment period includes
protects plants from the injurious effects of frequent
watering, weeding and cultivating, fertilizing, control of
freezing and thawing. Where stable materials such as
diseases and insect pests, protection from damage by
shredded bark can hold the soil in place, mulching is a
small animals and pruning, all of which are described
valuable aid for erosion control. Mulch material should
a. Watering. Lack of water immediately after planting
be placed over the entire plant pit or bed. Depth of mulch
will depend on the material used. Mulches are classified
is extremely dangerous because the reduced root system
in two principal categories depending on their origin. The
has difficulty in supplying sufficient moisture to the
first, and most widely used, is organic mulch; the second
plant. If the roots are allowed to become too dry, the plant
type is inert, or inorganic. Frequently, mulch is used to
will die. When planting is done during warm weather, the
add aesthetic appeal to planting areas.
danger is most acute. Planting in the late fall in northern
(1) Organic mulch. One or two inches of shredded
regions is usually successful if plants are heavily watered
bark will give results equal to four or five inches of marsh
at the time of planting. In most regions, periodic watering
hay. Forest litter, wood chips, and, in some localities,
will be required until the plants are firmly established, at
industrial by-products such as cocoa bean hulls, nut
least one year after planting. Rain cannot be depended on
shells, ground-up corn cobs, rotted sawdust and other
to supply sufficient moisture to maintain a new planting.
(1) Sources. A satisfactory source of water should
organic materials are effective mulches. If fresh sawdust
or green vegetative mulch is used, 7.5 pounds of
be determined well in advance of any planting operation.
ammonium sulfate or its equivalent should be uniformly
Except in housing complexes and other developed areas,
mixed into each cubic yard of mulch. This will aid
watering from ordinary hose connections may not be
bacterial action and provide nitrogen for the natural
feasible. Possible sources of water in undeveloped areas
decaying process in the sawdust. Otherwise, plants may
include use of water tank trucks or pumping water from
nearby ponds, streams, or wells through portable pipes,
(2) Inert mulch. River bank stone, crushed rock,
canvas hoses, troughs or temporary ditches. In arid
granite or marble chips are visually effective, but a high
regions, permanent underground irrigation systems may
level of maintenance is usually required to keep the plant
be justified. Technical assistance should be sought if such
pit or beds weed free. Use of a plastic membrane under
a system is considered feasible and economical.