TM 5-803-11/AFJMAN 32-10139
6-1. Introduction.
gram to utilize existing landforms following the
general guidelines presented in chapter 5.
The conceptual (10%) design translates a selected
c. Existing Vegetation. Mature trees, shrubs, and
adjacency diagram to the project site and communi-
other desirable vegetation should be maintained
cates key design concepts to the play area commit-
whenever possible. If needed, the adjacency dia-
tee. During conceptual design, design elements are
grams should be reorganized to utilize existing veg-
selected for each play area component. Conceptual
etation following the general guidelines presented
design provides opportunities to evaluate alterna-
in chapter 5.
tive design approaches and identify preliminary
d. Combining Adjacency Diagrams. When com-
costs. Once the design is approved by the civil or
bining more than one adjacency diagram to create a
installation engineer and the play area committee,
play area serving multiple age groups, the play area
final design documents will be created. If required,
relationships described in chapter 5 should be
a phased development plan can also be created.
maintained. Low walls or other barriers should pro-
vide definition, separation, and safety between play
6-2. Site Adapt the Adjacency Diagram.
area components as previously described.
The designer will select an adjacency diagram
e. Alternative Site Adapted Adjacency Diagrams.
from chapter 5 based on the age group served by the
If desired, several alternative adjacency diagrams
play area and the findings of the design criteria
may be prepared. These may then be evaluated to
report. The selected diagram will be adapted to the
determine the arrangement which most completely
site by comparing the information documented dur-
satisfies the program requirements, site opportuni-
ing site analysis to the selected adjacency diagram.
ties, and site constraints.
Using the selected diagram, a site-adapted adja-
cency diagram will be created for play area compo-
6-3. Create a Conceptual Design and Cost Es-
nents using simple bubble-type shapes. The bubbles
should be drawn to the approximate scaled size
The conceptual design is drawn to scale and
requirements. These bubble-type shapes should be
shows exact sizes and locations of play area compo-
organized on the site plan in the locations suggested
nents (fig 6-l). While complete construction details
by the site analysis and the selected diagram. The
are not normally included, sufficiently detailed
important relationships between play area compo-
drawings should be provided to clearly depict the
nents should be maintained. The desired connec-
design concept and to assist in cost estimating. The
tions or separations between play activities should
designer should ensure that the site layout meets
be indicated graphically. Locations where support
the requirements of this manual and the design
facilities, screens, barriers, or enclosures may be
criteria report.
needed should be indicated. Site constraints which
a. Conceptual Design. The conceptual design
need to be modified to permit use, such as regrading
should include the following:
of steep slopes, should also be noted. The site-
adapted adjacency diagram will be used to create
(1) Play Area Components. Play area compo-
the conceptual (10%) design.
nents and major activity points, such as entrances
and exits, sitting areas, and service vehicle access,
a. Relatively Flat Sites. Often the site is flat, with
should be indicated. The location of proposed sup-
few physical characteristics to limit or direct play
port facilities, such as drinking fountains, drainage,
area organization. For these sites, the site analysis
and primary utility points of connection, should be
may provide only limited direction. The optimum
relationships presented in the adjacency diagrams
may then be applied to the site with little or no
(2) Design Elements. The design elements that
adjustment needed to accommodate physical site
comprise each play area component should be iden-
tified. These elements will be located on the concep-
tual design.
b. Sites With Varied Topography. If extensive
grading is necessary to accommodate a design, it
(3) Use Zones. Manufactured play equipment
may be prohibitively expensive to implement the
requires use zones covered with safety surfacing in
adjacency diagrams as shown. When this occurs,
accordance with chapter 11. All use zones will be
the designer should reorganize the adjacency dia-