TM 5-803-12
pastels is encouraged for outdoor recreation fa-
natural or native landscape. Planting plans for
cilities since color schemes of this nature will
disturbed areas should be designed to enhance
or maintain vistas, and all planting plans should
assist the recreation facilities in blending har-
include plant materials requiring minimal main-
moniously with their environment and allow site
features to remain the primary focal point of
visitor interest.
6-11. Adaptive re-use.
c. Materials. The use of natural materials
(wood and stone) indigenous to the region in
At some installations, the outdoor recreation is
the construction of outdoor recreation facilities
housed in facilities that were not designed and
is encouraged. Signs and graphics such as en-
built as outdoor recreation support facilities.
trance signs, trailhead markers and interpretive
Often, outdoor recreation has acquired cast-off
signs and exhibits should also be constructed of
facilities or World War II-vintage, "temporary"
wood and stone, although metal signs set in stone
structures. An objective of the Installation
foundations also make appropriate and attrac-
Outdoor Recreation Plan under these circum-
tive interpretive exhibits. The latter are more
stances should appropriately be, where feasible,
costly to produce but last longer than wooden
the demolition and replacement of structures
signs and exhibits. The use of plastic, plexiglass,
that are clearly outdated and substandard. Where
this is not a feasible option, adaptive re-use is
glass should be kept to a minimum.
the objective. Adaptive re-use involves the ren-
ovation of structures to establish an appropri-
6-10. Landscape details.
ate architectural character consistent with the
identity of outdoor recreation. Sometimes, ex-
Formal landscaping and foundation planting
terior treatment alone may suffice to accom-
should only be provided around major facilities
plish this objective; i.e., the application of exterior
or in developed recreational areas. Landscape
wood paneling or cedar shingles, a new exterior
planting should be simple, functional and easy
color scheme, and so on. At other times, interior
to maintain. The use of hardy indigenous plant
remodeling may be necessary. The opportunity
materials is encouraged; use of exotic species
to incorporate innovative and contemporary en-
should be kept to a minimum. The principal
functions of landscape planting should be: to
ergy-saving features should not be overlooked.
Such features include increased insulation, storm
screen undesirable features or visual intru-
doors and windows, exterior and interior caulk-
sions, to provide shade and privacy, to create
ing, solar water heaters or other solar interior
windbreaks to enhance structures, to assist
heating and cooling systems, wood-burning
structures in blending unobtrusively with the
stoves, and heat-pumps.
surrounding environment, and to restore the