TM 5-803-12
full-time staff person, it maybe desirable to have
Vehicular circulation in recreation areas, and
some tools and equipment on hand for simple
particularly in campgrounds, should be one-way
repairs to cars or recreational vehicles.
to minimize congestion and enhance safety.
c. Parking. Parking areas should have suffi-
6-7. Vandal-proofing.
cient design flexibility to permit incorporation
of interesting natural features such as specimen
Remote or otherwise isolated or unmanned rec-
trees, rock outcrops or boulders into the park-
reation facilities should be vandal-proofed to the
ing area. If such features are not present, the
extent that funding will permit. Vandal-proof-
parking area should be broken by grassed me-
ing may include: provision of lighting around
dians or planting beds to give it a recreational
buildings and along walkways; gated entrance
character and avoid the appearance of a barren
roads closed and locked after dark; polished
rectangle of asphalt. Some spaces for large rec-
metal rather than glass in mirrors in restrooms;
reation vehicles and buses should be provided
picnic tables and other campground furniture
in addition to spaces for cars, and at support
composed of concrete with wooden seats bolted
buildings, one or more spaces immediately ad-
to the concrete forms; and increased patrol of
jacent to the entrance walkway should be des-
areas with a history of vandalism.
ignated for the handicapped.
6-8. Use by the handicapped
6-4. Pedestrian circulation.
(barrier-free design).
In campgrounds and at other locations where
All recreational support buildings should be ac-
pedestrian activity is not heavily concentrated,
cessible by the handicapped. Handicapped ac-
pedestrian walkways or trails should be paved
cess is facilitated by provision of oversized and
with pine bark, gravel or similar natural ma-
specially marked parking spaces adjacent to en-
terial. Where use is heavily concentrated how-
trance walkways, curb cuts to permit wheelchair
ever, as at a support building in a campground,
access from parking lots, appropriate door widths
walkways should be of concrete or asphalt and
sufficient to accommodate wheelchairs, entrance
should be designed to accommodate the peak
ramps for wheelchairs, and restroom facilities
visitation load. Provision for shade should be
designed for use from a wheelchair.
considered and benches should be provided at
6-9. Architectural character.
intervals along walkways. A portion of the walk-
way in front of a support building should be a
a. Architectural style. Support buildings and
covered walkway with benches to provide some
other structures designed for outdoor recrea-
shelter against sun and rain for persons await-
tion at a particular installation should have a
ing transportation.
distinctive style that identifies them immedi-
ately with outdoor recreation, and this style or
6-5. Service and maintenance
character should be consistent for all outdoor
recreation facilities throughout the installa-
Support buildings in recreation areas should have
t i o n . Architectural character is developed
a separate access lane provided for service and
through selection of a particular building style,
maintenance vehicles. This lane should be a spur
color scheme, materials and graphics. The adop-
off the public access route and should connect
tion of a consistent architectural style with at-
directly with service access doors at the side or
tendant repetition of detail has the advantage
rear of the building.
of generally being more economical with regard
to construction and maintenance costs than use
6-6. Safety.
of diverse architectural styles. When there are
existing structures with a desirable architec-
Design of access roads in recreation areas for
tural style, this style should be adopted to as-
slow speeds (1 mph) has previously been
sure continuance of a consistent and harmonious
mentioned as a means of enhancing user safety.
visual relationship among installation outdoor
Within sites such as campgrounds or picnic areas,
recreation facilities. In the absence of a distinc-
very slow design speeds ( 10-15 mph) are appro-
tive and desireable style among existing struc-
priate and can be enforced, if necessary, by in-
tures, a contemporary style should be selected
stallation of signs or speed bumps. Support
since people generally react favorably to designs
buildings can contribute to safety by having first
that are fresh, current and familiar.
aid supplies and fire extinguishers available, and
b. Color. The selection of a color scheme
telephones for use in the event of an emergency.
emphasizing natural colors, earth tones and
In the case of a larger support building with a