TM 5-803-12
velopment, the Morale Welfare and Recreation
facilities should involve consideration of both
Manager should phase implementation by as-
construction costs and operation and mainte-
signing the highest priority projects for imme-
nance (O & M). Construction costs are one-time
diate implementation (first 12 month-period),
costs and should include, in addition to dollar
and then phase the establishment of the re-
amounts for materials and labor, an amount for
maining proposed facilities over the duration of
design fees. O & M costs are on-going and should
the planning period. This facilitates the devel-
be computed on an annual or per annum basis
opment of budget proposals to submit for im-
as the sum of annual employee salaries, antic-
plementation of plan recommendations. Seldom
ipated utilities and materials costs, and annual
will the funding situation permit the simulta-
repair and maintenance costs.
neous implementation of all proposed develop-
b. Prioritizing projects. Following the deter-
ments. Phased implementation is commonly
mination of project costs, the outdoor recrea-
the answer to successful accomplishment of
tion director should prioritize the proposed
Installation Outdoor Recreation Plan recom-
facilities as a means of phasing the implemen-
tation of the Installation Outdoor Recreation
c. Rationale, A written rationale, including the
Plan. In consideration of the trend towards ac-
criteria used in the site selection and facilities
tivities to become self-sufficient, high priority
allocation, serves as part of the basis for the
should be given to any facilities that are income-
assessment of the environmental effects of im-
generating. Other high-priority projects should
plementing the recommendations of the plan.
include those that have high-use potential, those
that have low O & M costs following construc-
cited in this information, including adverse
tion, and those that support or expand existing
facilities. After prioritization of all proposed de-
effects avoided by the selection.