c. Market area. The installation's market area
there has been a significant increase in the par-
includes the installation and some portion of
ticipation by women in such activities as bicy-
the surrounding region. This portion of the sur-
cling, hiking, hunting and fishing. Consequently,
rounding region is determined by the alterna-
sex is a more subtle influence upon recreation
tive recreation available off-post to installation
selection, particularly among younger age
personnel. Usually, the market area is defined
groups. The most recent Morale Welfare and
by recreation accessibility. How easy or difficult
Recreation (MWR) user preference survey in-
is it for the user population to reach existing
dicated very little difference in outdoor recre-
recreation areas off-post? How far can or will
ation activity preferences between men and
the user population travel to participate in out-
door recreation activities? The answers to these
(3) Income, education and occupation. In-
questions are often defined in terms of com-
come, education and occupation are closely re-
muting times or distances. User surveys at in-
lated characteristics which influence recreation
dividual recreation areas or data contained in
selection. Limited incomes tend to restrict par-
SCORPs provide information about average dis-
ticipation while larger incomes provide a greater
tances travelled and time spent in participation
range of opportunities. Recreation which re-
in various types of recreation. Using this infor-
quires investment in equipment, even through
mation, determine the average distanced trav-
rental, reflects a direct relationship between level
elled one-way by recreation participants in the
of income and amount of participation. Such
region. Plot this distance as a radius on a map
recreation includes camping, hunting, and skiing.
of the region with the installation as the center.
The importance of income on military installa-
This zone constitutes the practical limits of the
tions increases with the consideration of self-
market area (fig 4-2). Establishing two zones-
sufficiency. While income demonstrates greater
one for day use and one for overnight use (which
influence on recreation selection, there are also
usually will be camping )-can be helpful. Gen-
relationships between levels of education and
erally, 80 percent or more of day use occurs within
types of occupation and recreation selection.
a radius of 50 miles. While overnight use may
(4) Seasons. Certain users of the installa-
occur far beyond this boundary, the majority of
tion population are seasonal or occasional in
overnight use occurs within a 100-mile radius.
occurrence. These users include reserve units
The quality of transportation systems within the
and private citizens or organizations allowed to
use specific installation recreation for limited
periods. Disaggregate these participants from
the general installation population.