TI 804-01
1 July 1998
facilitate ease of use and is convenient to users who do not wish to enter the community
g/ The bank facility is located in the northwest corner near the entrance to
the installation to provide convenient access from on-base and off-base.
h/ Service vehicles must circulate through the main traffic circle to reach the
service entrances of the commercial center site. This may create some traffic congestion
through the hub, but results in the preservation of the environmentally sensitive area.
i/ Pedestrian access has been provided throughout the area. In areas of
high use, pedestrian access has been separated from vehicular access. Separate pedestrian
access has been provided between the commercial center and the bank and between the
commercial center and the recreation area as well as within the commercial center.
j/ The commissary facility has been sited adjacent to the PX at the north
end of the site in an effort to consolidate the facilities and resources.
2/ Alternative 2 (figure 2-12) includes the following:
a/ Spatial requirements for parking has been provided for all new facilities
located within the area.
b/ The guest housing facility has been located near the entrance to the
installation to accommodate visitors easily.
c/ The environmentally sensitive area located at the north end of the area
has been preserved and used for passive recreation. Pedestrian access is provided from the
commercial center and from the guest housing facility to encourage environmental interaction.
d/ Vehicular circulation has been modified. Existing roadways have been
preserved wherever feasible. Traffic circles have been created at the two busiest
intersections. A landmark has been proposed for the center of each of these intersections. In
addition, a north-south connecting roadway has been created to improve access to the
commercial center. The entrance roadway has been extended to provide through access to
the southeast area of the installation.
e/ Open space has been preserved at the entrance to the installation and
along the entrance roadway. These two spaces provide a buffer for the guest housing facility.
A large parcel centrally located within the area has been preserved for future development.
f/ The credit union facility has been located at the southeastern corner of
the area. This location will facilitate ease of use and is convenient to users who do not wish to
enter the community center. The credit union has been located adjacent to the bank facility to
consolidate land uses and improve vehicular circulation.
g/ The bank facility is located at the southwest corner of the area. This
location will facilitate ease of use and is convenient to users who do not wish to enter the