TI 804-01
1 July 1998
Those requiring preservation will have a significant impact on the development potential of the
9/ Visual Survey. An evaluation of the visual character of the area. This
evaluation is made during the site visit and attempts to capture the feeling or essence of the
area. Aspects of the assessment including the following:
a/ General geologic, topographic and vegetative character.
b/ Visual character of the site including view boundaries, good and poor
site-specific views and their potential for enhancement or mitigation, and special visual
features which define the character of the site or make a strong visual impact. Examples
include: water bodies, mature tree specimens, rock outcrops, and sunlight and shadow.
c/ Sensory information such as odor, noise, or open or confined spaces.
d/ Microclimate conditions, such as warm or cold areas.
(2) Opportunities and Constraints. The evaluations made in the area site analysis
are recorded on a map that summarizes the opportunities and constraints for development
(figure 2-10). The opportunities and constraints evaluation is used to verify the adequacy of
the area for the proposed project.
(a) The opportunities and constraints map interprets area features as either
opportunities to be explored and enhanced or constraints to be avoided or mitigated.
Opportunities and constraints maps should define the following:
1/ Natural features to be preserved for environmental protection.
2/ Natural features to be conserved.
3/ Natural features that affect construction (poor soils, steep slopes, etc.).
5/ Existing structures or other landmarks to be preserved or enhanced
because of historic, architectural, or other significance.
6/ Existing structures or other landmarks that share functional
relationships and connections with the future development.
7/ Existing structures or other features that have a negative impact on the
area through poor siting, visual intrusion, deteriorated condition, noise, or some other factor.
8/ Vehicular or pedestrian circulation points of conflict and opportunity
9/ All utilities to serve the area or that will impact development.