TM 5-805-8
specified for main entrance and vestibule glass doors of
monumental-type buildings.
14. Protective plates
Plates will conform to BHMA A156.6 of materials listed.
a. Armor Plates. Armor plates will be specified for
wood and hollow metal doors subject to damage from
vehicular traffic or damage or defacement in confinement
areas. Armor plates are usually located on the push side
of the door.
b. Kick Plates. Kick plates will be specified for wood
or hollow metal doors equipped with a door-closing
device. Kick plates will be used on painted or metal doors
without positive latching devices. Kick plates are located
on the push side of the door.
c. Mop Plates. Mop plates will be specified on doors
that are subject to frequent floor maintenance, such as in
corridors, lobbies, cafeterias, kitchens, and toilet rooms,
and are not equipped with armor or kick plates.
15. Auxiliary hardware
Various types of auxiliary hardware will conform to
BHMA A156.16 and will be of the type specified or
shown on drawings.
16. Miscellaneous
a. Automatic Door Bottoms. Automatic door bottoms
are used to exclude light, air, and sound from traveling
under doors in openings to light traps, air traps,
darkrooms, and soundproof rooms. Door bottoms are
f. Door Edging. Door edging installed in conjunction
available for surface- and mortise-type installations.
with armor plate will be of the J200 series conforming to
Automatic door bottoms must be used on doors that are
sound rated. Doors in carpet areas will use thresholds.
BHMA A156.6.
g. Metal Thresholds. Metal thresholds for use with
Figure 2 shows examples of surface and concealed door
weather stripping for exterior doors will be aluminum or
b. Flush Pulls. Flush pulls will be specified for the
bronze, flat-type with fluted top to provide proper door
pilot doors in sliding hangar doors, and for other hinged
clearance, and an effective seal with specified weather
or sliding doors requiring a nonprojecting pull.
stripping. Thresholds for use with floor closers will con-
c. Light-Trap Locks. Light-trap locks are electrically
form to BHMA A156.4, type to be specified. Latching
operated automatic locking devices designed to prevent
thresholds will conform to BHMA A156.3, type 26, and
two or more doors connecting a corridor or room with
be of appropriate height.
h. Seals. Seals will be used to inhibit the passage of
another room from being opened simultaneously. These
locks will be specified for entrance corridors to
air, sound, smoke, light, dust, and humidity. These seals
darkrooms or other areas to control the admission of light
must not interfere with the positive closing and latching
or air.
of the door. Example of seals are shown in figure 3.
d. Pivots. Center hung or offset floor hinges should
i. Rain Drip Strips. Rain drip strips will be attached
be used for heavy or extra wide exterior or interior doors
to the outside of exterior doors exposed to the weather to
when floor closer is not used.
divert the passage of water beyond the threshold. Figure
e. Padlocks. Padlocks will be of cast, forged, or ex-
4 shows type A which goes at the top of the door and
truded brass or bronze. Padlock size (dimensions of case
type B at the bottom of the door.
j. Gasketing. Examples of gasketing are shown in
and diameter of shackle) will be suited to specific require-
ments. Padlocks will be key operated. Straps, tee hinges,
figure 5.
and hasps conforming to BHMA A156.20 will be
selected to match high security padlocks.