TM 5-805-8
constitute a tripping hazard. Device will not be located
quired to be held at any position by friction. The over-
where device will cause a tripping hazard or prevent
head door holder is not designed to act as a doorstop, and
unobstructed travel if in accordance with NFPA 101.
therefore should not be considered for that purpose.
b. Chain Doorstops. In areas where wind forces are
Hold-open devices must not cause doors to be held open
in violation of fire separation requirements. Hold-open
capable of blowing a door off its hinges, chain doorstops
devices will not be used on doors which are intended by
similar to type L02222 in BHMA A156.16, with extra-
design to be normally closed to accommodate heating,
heavy shock absorber spring, chain, and attachments,
ventilating, and air conditioning system zoning.
may be used on exterior doors.
d. Fusible Links. The fusible link holder arm feature
12. Stops and holders
on a door closer is designed to hold the door open and to
return the door to the closed position when the link melts
a. Doorstops. Dome doorstops on bronze or stainless
at a predetermined temperature. Where class A and class
B fire doors are required, special care will be taken to
steel bases may be used on interior doors not required to
ascertain that these units are listed or labeled by a
be held open by an automatic door holder. Doorstops
nationally recognized independent testing laboratory. The
should be used for closer-equipped doors to prevent
use of a hold-open device, equipped with a fusible link,
opening beyond the allowable limit of the closer.
b. Roller Bumpers. Where two juxtaposed doors
will be disallowed in a hospital occupancy on fire rated or
smoke doors as they will permit smoke to enter an area
would collide upon being opened, roller bumpers will be
and still not release until sufficient heat to fuse the link is
c. Automatic Door Holders. There are several types
reached (which may not occur). Mechanisms will comply
with NFPA 101.
of automatic door holders, each designed for a specific
e. Size of Closers. The sizes of closers will be sized
need or condition. The following types of door holders
by the Contractor and will be shown on the Contractor's
have been found suitable for general military
hardware schedule.
f. Floor Closers. Floor concealed closers and inter-
(1) Wall-type door holders with automatic hold-
mediate offset pivots may be specified for main entrance
open operation are seldom used in military construction,
doors of monumental-type buildings, including ad-
but they are suitable in cases where floor-type door
ministration, office, hospital, and similar buildings, and
holder would cause violation of NFPA 101, where floor
for other openings where concealment of a closing device
must be clear for traffic, or where a pedestrian tripping
is desirable or necessary to complement the architectural
hazard exists.
(2) Floor-type door holders 1-01301, 1-01302,
g. Jamb Spring Hinges. Jamb spring hinges are
and 1-01303 in BHMA A156.16 will usually be
designed for single- and double-acting operations, and are
specified; however, holder 1-01311 in BHMA A156.16
available for installation with or without a hanging strip.
may be specified if the adjustment feature is necessary.
(3) Electromagnetic door holders may be used to
Hinges of this type are not used much in military
construction, except for industrial-type doors through
permit automatic closing of fire-rated exit doors or smoke
which materials are moved where automatic doors are not
doors that are normally open. Such holders operate in
used. Among the more important considerations are the
conjunction with sprinkler, smoke, or fire detection
systems in accordance with NFPA 101. Locations for
(1) Specify hinge sizes in accordance with the
these devices include stairway doors, doors in smoke
manufacturer's recommendations.
partitions, and doors on horizontal exits. Doors are
(2) Hinges are not recommended for doors over 3
released electrically when the detection system is
feet wide.
activated. Wiring and power will be designed in
(3) Specify the third (intermediate) hinge to be in-
accordance with NFPA 70 and shown on electrical
stalled approximately 6 inches below the bottom of the
top hinge in order to obtain maximum spring efficiency.
13. Architectural door trim
(4) Ascertain whether the door frame is detailed
with or without a hanging strip since this will determine
the type of hinge required.
Door protection plates, door trim, push plates, door pulls,
push bars, pull bars, guard bars, and thresholds will con-
11. Door controls
form to BHMA A156.6 and will be of metallic materials
specified. Hospital arm pulls generally will be used on
a. Overhead-Type Door Holders. In general military
patients' bedroom doors, ward rooms, utility room doors,
construction, surface-applied overhead-type door holders
and doors to treatment rooms, serving kitchens, etc.
may be used for outswinging exterior doors and other
Where overall design justifies their use, 8-inch by 16-inch
doors where the floor-type holder would impede traffic or
push plates, rectangular or semicircular, may be
interfere with furniture arrangement. In hospital con-
specified. Single element push bars will be specified for
struction, concealed overhead door holders may be used
screen doors, and for glazed vestibule doors where
for doors to patients' bedrooms and for other doors re-
simplicity of design is desirable. Push-pull bars will be