TM 5-852-4/AFM 88-19, Chap. 4
89. Sellman, P.V., Geology of the USACRREL Permafrost Tunnel, Fairbanks, Alaska. CRREL Technical Report
199, 1967.
90. Smith, J.L., Shock Tube Experiments on Snow. CRREL Technical Report 218, 1969.
91. Smith, N., Determining the Dynamic Properties of Snow and Ice by Forced Vibration. CCREL Technical
Report 216, 1969.
92. Sohlberg, E.T., Surface Temperature Measurements. CCREL Internal Report 485, 1976.
93. Stevens, H.W., Measurement of the Complex Moduli and Damping of Soils under Dynamic Loads; Laboratory
Test Apparatus, Procedure and Analysis. CRREL Technical Report 173, 1966.
94. The Response of Frozen Soils to Vibratory Loads. CRREL Technical Report 265, 1975.
95. Stormer, C.D., Cold Concrete. CRREL Technical Report 220, 1970.
96. Swinzow, G.K., Tunneling in Permafrost II. CRREL Technical Report 91, 1964.
97. Permafrost Tunneling by a Continuous Mechanical Method. CRREL Technical Report 221, 1970.
98. Tsytovich, N.A. and Sumgin, M.I., Principles of Mechanics of Frozen Ground. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1937.
USA SIPRE Translation 19, 1959.
Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CCREL), Ground Temperature
99. U.S.
Observations, Fort Yukon, Alaska. CRREL Technical Report 100, 1962.
100. CRREL, Thaw Penetration and Subsidence, 500-Man Barracks, Ladd AFB. CRREL Internal Report 12, 1966.
101. Ground Temperature Observations, Bettles, Tanana and Unalakleet, Alaska. CRREL Internal Report 489,
490, 491, 1976.
102. Ground Temperature Observations, Aishihik, N. W. T., Canada; Summit, Wainwright, Fairbanks, Anchorage,
Noime, Pt. Lay, Shunghak and Wales, Alaska. CRREL File reports, 1966.
103. U.S. Army Engineer District, Eastern Ocean, Stability and Settlement Analysis, Runway Extension,
Sondrestrom AB (BW-8). Technical Report No. ENG-436, prepared by J.F. Haley, Consulting
Foundation Engineer, for Metcalf and Eddy and Alfred Hopkins and Associates, New York, N.Y., 1957.
104. Greenland Completion Report, 1951-1955. Prepared by Metcalf & Eddy and Lapierre, Litchfield and Partners,
Engineer and Architect, New York, N.Y.
105. Airfield Drainage Investigation, Thule AB, FY 1958. Technical Report No. ENG-455, prepared by Metcalf
and Eddy and LaPierre, Litchfield, Boston, Mass., 1958.
106. U.S. Army Waterways Experiment Station, A Procedure for Determining Elastic Moduli of Soils by Field
Vibratory Techniques. Miscellaneous Paper No. 4-577, 1963.
107. Vialov, S.S., The Strength and Creep of Frozen Soils and Calculations for Ice-Soil Retaining Structures.
Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1962. CRREL Translation 76, 1965.
108. Wechsler, A.E., Development of Thermal Conductivity Probesfor Soils and Insulations. CRREL Technical
Report 182, 1966.
109. Wilson, C., Climatology of the Cold Regions. Introduction and Northern Hemisphere 1. CRREL Monograph l-
A3a, 1967.
110. Climatology of the Cold Regions. Northern Hemisphere II. CRREL Monograph I-A3b, 1969.
111. Woods, K.B., Fadum, R., Assur, A., Boyd, W.K., Linell, K.A. and Sterrett, K., Alaska Trip Report. CRREL
Files, 1967.
112. Woods, K.B., Linell, K.A. and Crory, F.E., Alaska-Canada Trip Report. CRREL Files, 1963.
113. Yoakum D., A Survey of Winter Construction Practices: Earthwork, Concrete and Asphalt. CRREL Special
Report 76, 1966.
Department of the Navy
Technical Report
114. Arctic Engineering. Technical Publication NAVDOCKS TP-PW-1 1, 1955.
115. American Concrete Institute, Cold Weather Concreting. ACI 306 R-78.
116. American Society of Civil Engineers, Ice Pressure Against Dams: A Symposium. Bertil Lofquiest, A.D. Hogg,
G.E. Monfore and discussion paper 2656, Transactions, ASCE, Vol. 119, 1954.
117. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, ASHRAE Handbook and Product
Directory. ASHRAE, New York, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979.
118. American Society for Testing and Materials, Piles Under Axial Compressive Load. ASTM D 1143-74.
119. American Society for Testing and Materials, Steady-State Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of the
Guarded Hot Plate. ASTM C 177-76.