TM 5-852-4/AFM 88-19, Chap. 4
Department of the Army
Technical Reports
23. Aamot, H.W.C., Dynamic Pile Foundation Measurements, Barter Island, Alaska. U.S. Army Cold Regions
Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) Special Report 75, 1966.
24. Abel, J.F., Jr., Permafrost Tunnel, Camp TUTO, Greenland. U.S. Army Snow, Ice and Permafrost Research
Establishment (SIPRE') Technical Report 73, 1960.
25. Aitken, G.W., Ground Temperature Observations, Galena, McGrath, Big Delta, Barrow, Gulkana, Northway
and Kotzebue, Alaska. CRREL Technical Reports 102-108, 1963-65.
26. Performance of a Prototype DC Resistance Frost Penetration Gage. CRREL Technical Note, 1963.
27. Temperature-Millivolt Conversion Tables, Copper Constantan Thermocouples, 32 F Reference Temperature.
CRREL Special Report 108, 1966.
28. Reduction in Frost Heave by Surcharge Load. CRREL Technical Report 184, 1974.
29. Aitken, G.W. and Fulwider, C.W., Ground Temperature Observations, Aniak, Alaska. CRREL Technical
Report 101, 1962.
30. Aldrich, H.P. and Paynter, H.M., Analytical Studies of Freezing and Thawing of Soils. U.S. Army Arctic
Construction and Frost Effects Laboratory (ACFEL2) Technical Report 42.
31. Anderson, D.M. and Hoekstra, P., Migration and Crystallization of Interlamellar Water during Freezing and
Thawing of Wyoming Bentonite. CRREL Research Report 192, 1965.
32. Anderson, G.D., The Equation of State of Ice and Composite Frozen Soil Material. CRREL Research Report
257, 1968.
33. Arctic Construction and Frost Effects Laboratory (ACFEL), Investigation of Description, Classification and
Strength Properties of Frozen Soils, FY 1951. ACFEL Technical Report 40/SIPRE Technical Report 8,
34. ACFEL, Investigation of the Strength Properties of Frozen Soils, FY 1952, FY 1953. ACFEL Technical
Reports 44 and 48 (Drafts), 1953, 1954.
35. Ground Water Studies. Fairbanks Permafrost Research Area. CRREL Internal Report 40, 1954.
36. Interim Report of Observations on Hangar 7A-4, Thule AB. CRREL Files 1955.
37. Freezeback Control and Pile Testing, Kotzebue Air Force Station, Alaska. ACFEL Technical Report 66,
38. Investigation of Frost Heave in Unheated Wing Hangars. CRREL Files, 1957.
39. Permanent Benchmarks in Permafrozen Fine-Grained Soils. ACFEL Miscellaneous Paper 17, 1957.
40. ACFEL, Cold Room Studies, Third Interim Report of Investigations. ACFEL Technical Report 43, 1958.
41. Perimeter Insulation for Slab-on-Grade Buildings. ACFEL Internal Report (CRREL Files), 1961.
42. Banfield, A.F. and Csergei, H.P., Results of Sampling Insulating Layers in Runway Test Sections, Alaska
Field Station. CRREL files.
43. Berg, R.L., Energy Balance on a Paved Surface. CRREL Technical Report 226, 1974.
44. Brown, J. and Rickard, W., A Modified Freeze-Thaw Depth Indicator. CRREL Technical Note 52, 1968.
45. Butkovich, T.R., Ultimate Strength of Ice. SIPRE Research Report 11, 1954.
46. Church, R.E., Pewe, T.L. and Andresen, M.J., Origin and Environmental Significance of Large-Scale
Patterned Ground, Donnelly Dome Area, Alaska. CRREL Research Report 159, 1965.
47. Crory, F.E., Test of Vibratory Pile Driving. CRREL Files, 1966.
48. Bridge Foundations in Permafrost Areas, Goldstream Creek, Fairbanks, Alaska. CRREL Technical Report
180, 1968.
49. Installation of Driven Test Piles in Permafrost at Bethel Air Force Station, Alaska. CRREL Technical Report
139, 1973.
50. Bridge Foundations in Permafrost Areas, Moose and Spinach Creeks, Fairbanks, Alaska. CRREL Technical
Report 266, 1975.
51. Crory, F.E. and Reed, R.E., Measurement of Frost Heaving Forces on Piles. CRREL Technical Report 145,
52. Crory, F.E. and Tizzard, W.J., Some Limited Observations of Highway Cuts on the New Defense Access
Road to Murphy Dome, Alaska. CRREL Technical Note, 1965.
53. Installation and Testing of Earth Anchors at Fairbanks, Alaska. CRREL Draft Report, 1965.
Function of the former Arctic Construction and Frost Effects Laboratory (ACFEL) and the Snow, Ice and
Permafrost Research Establishment (SIPRE) were transferred to the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering
Laboratory (CRREL) in 1961.
Functions of the former Arctic Construction and Frost Effects Laboratory (ACFEL) and USA Snow, Ice and
Permafrost Research Establishment (SIPRE) were transferred to USA Cold Regions Research and Engineering
Laboratory (USACRREL) in 1961.