UFC 3-120-01
Figure 6.10. Base Warning Sign Type E2 Panel B.
Section 6D--Parking Regulation Signs
6.14. Introduction. Parking Regulation Signs, Type E1 and E2, identify general and restricted
parking areas. They are designed to meet the specific needs of the Air Force and to supplement the
national standards noted in 6.5. The large number of reserved parking signs at most bases adds
visual clutter and leads to maintenance problems. This problem can be solved by reconsidering the
reserved parking policy and by changing the way reserved parking spaces are identified.
6.14.1. Limiting Reserved Spaces. Limit the number of parking spaces reserved for individuals
such as the base commander or senior NCO, or groups such as general officers. Reserve parking
areas for unit personnel only if it is necessary to ensure that parking is available in the immediate
area. Assign numbered parking spaces to personnel or post the entire reserved area with a sign at
each entrance.
6.14.2. References. These parking signs are intended to supplement the Manual on Uniform
Traffic Control Devices and include freestanding signs, wall mounted signs and curb markings.
6.15. Parking Regulation Sign Type E1.
6.15.1. Usage. Use Type E1 sign panels to identify general and restricted parking areas and to
define specific parking regulations (such as the hours and days of regulation), including
handicapped accessible parking places. Maintain a clear height of 1 500 - 2100 mm (5'- 0" to 7'
- 0") to the bottom of the Type E1 sign panel.