UFC 3-120-01
FEBRUARY 6 2003 Typography.
Upper and lower case Helvetica medium, 12 mm ( ") capital letter height, flush left.
6.13.5. Sign Panel B. Colors.
WARNING and "Use of deadly force authorized": standard red letters on white
Heading, text and U. S. Code citation: black letters on white background. Dimensions. 375 mm x 450 mm (1'- 3" x 1'- 6"). Typography.
WARNING: upper case Helvetica medium, 62 mm (2 ") capital letter height,
Heading - upper and lower case Helvetica medium, 25 mm (1") capital letter height,
flush left. The heading line will accommodate a maximum of 25 tiles or characters.
Text - upper and lower case Helvetica medium, 12 mm (") capital letter height,
flush left. The text will accommodate eight lines, with a maximum of 44 tiles or
characters per line.
Citation - upper and lower case Helvetica medium 9 mm (3/8") capital letter height,
flush left.