UFC 3-120-01
Chapter 6
Section 6A--Introduction
6.1. General Guidelines. Regulatory signs should be approached in a systematic fashion. Establish
and follow the Master Sign Plan to ensure that the base does not become cluttered. Post no more
regulatory signs than are necessary for safety and security.
6.2. Criteria. There are several categories of regulatory signs: Highway standards, Base Warning
Signs and Parking Regulation Signs. This chapter gives the criteria for exterior regulatory and base
warning signs, including information on sizes, appearance, message, permitted graphics and layout.
6.3. Safety Signs. Safety signs warn personnel of physical hazards and unsafe practices. Air Force
standards for safety signs are contained in AFOSH 9166, General Industrial Operations, and are
updated by the Air Force Safety Center (AFSC/SEGS).
6.4. Further Information. Information on typography, graphics, and sign placement can be found in
Chapter 2. Recommended specifications and structural details are given in Chapter 12.
Section 6B--Highway Standards
6.5. Introduction. Highway Standards regulate vehicular traffic on base. Refer to the Manual on
Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) published by the Federal Highway Administration for
highway standards in the United States. Similar standards exist for foreign countries.
6.6. Importance of Standards. Any deviation from the accepted highway safety signs could create
serious safety hazards. It is important to continue the use of familiar highway signs on base, so
highway warnings and other regulatory signs and traffic control devices should follow the standard
shapes, designs, and colors of the nation where the base is located.
6.7. References. In the United States, these standards are described in the Manual on Uniform
Traffic Control Devices and must be followed for all traffic control signs. The parking regulation
signs discussed in paragraph 6.14 utilize standard symbols and are intended to supplement the
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.