UFC 3-120-01
Section 6C--Base Warning Signs
6.8. Introduction. Several types of signs are used to define areas of restricted access in order to
maintain proper levels of security. Warning signs are displayed at the installation perimeter, at
controlled areas or facilities, restricted areas or facilities and facilities protected by Intrusion
Detection Equipment (IDE).
6.9. Requirements and Guidance. The requirements and guidance for the proper use of
warning signs are contained in AFI 31-101, The Air Force Installation Security Program.
6.10. Mounting. Warning signs may be mounted directly on fences or walls. Locations and
frequency are to be in accordance with AFI 31-101. The structural support for free-standing
warning signs will be in compliance with established base standards. Warning signs are not to
be mounted to the face, or supporting structure, of any other sign type.
6.11. Layouts. See Figures 6.6 through 6.11 for the sign layouts.
6.12. Base Warning Sign Type E1.
6.12.1. Usage. Use the Type E1 Base Warning Sign Layout for the Air Force Installation
Warning Sign, the Controlled Area Sign, and the Restricted Area Sign at all personnel and
vehicle entry points. If working dog teams are used inside or around a posted area, place the
military working dog team notice directly below the sign panel.
6.12.2. Mounting. Combinations of additional notices, such as a solicitation warning or
photography prohibition, may be required at base entry points. Place these notices directly below
the installation warning sign or combine them on a separate sign structure placed below Warning
Sign Panel E. The Type A3 Entry Gate sign may also be shown on this structure.
(See paragraph 4.10.2.) Mount all the panels on the same backing sheet during fabrication. If two
sign structures are required, the height of the two structures should be equal (not to exceed 7'- 0"
or 2 100 mm) and the signs should be distributed evenly between them.
6.12.3. Visibility. Both the background panel and the message on all base warning signs must be