UFC 3-120-01
2.18.4. Standard Red.
Reflective Sheeting: Federal Highway Administration PR Color #2, Highway Red
Paint: Federal standard 595a, Color #11105 (Gloss), Color #21105 (Semigloss)
Ink: PMS 187
2.18.5. Standard Green.
Reflective Sheeting: Federal Highway Administration PR Color #4, Highway Green
Paint: Federal Standard 595a, Color #14109 (Gloss), Color #24108 (Semigloss)
Ink: PMS 342
2.18.6. Standard Orange.
Reflective Sheeting: Federal Highway Administration
PR Color #6, Highway Orange
Paint: ISCC-NBS Color Designation 48 Vivid Orange
Ink: PMS 152
2.18.7. Standard Black.
Non-Reflective Sheeting: Black
Paint: Federal Standard 595a, Color #17038 (Gloss). Color #27038 Semigloss)
Ink: PMS Process Black
2.18.8. Standard White.
Reflective Sheeting: Federal Highway Administration White or Silver White
Paint: Federal Standard 595a, Color #17875 (gloss), Color #27875 (Semigloss)
Ink: PMS White
2.18.9 "Air Force" Blue (for use on water tower)
Pantone #287
2.18.10 Pantone Cool Gray #4 (for use on water tower)
2.18.11 Pantone Cool Gray #9 (for use on water tower)
Section 2C--Sign Placement
2.19. Freestanding Exterior Signs.
2.19.1. General Information. Good judgment is very important in determining sign placement.
Signs should be placed far enough from the edge of the roadway to minimize traffic hazards but
close enough to be clearly visible to the user.
2.19.2. Placement. All traffic control signs, including the Type C6 Bus Route Sign, Type D
Destination Signs and Type E Parking Regulation Signs, must conform to the placement
standards shown in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Placement of all other