UFC 1-900-01
contain lead-based paint could not be reused because the lead could still be harmful to
children. According to the proposed rule, LBP components, which have deteriorated
LBP on them, must be stripped completely of LBP before being reused. This stipulation
severely limits materials that can be recovered and recycled because the cost of
removing lead-based paint becomes too expensive.
DECONSTRUCT (Lead-Based Paint)
Deconstruction results in the disturbance or removal of painted surfaces. Effective
implementation of OSHA, USACE, and Navy safety, health, and disposal requirements
and procedures will control LBP exposure hazards to personnel performing
deconstruction operations.
The offsite transportation of LBP contaminated debris will be subject to RCRA waste
manifest and requirements only if the debris has been characterized as hazardous
waste under RCRA. . If so, 40 CFR Parts 262 and 263
(http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx_01/40cfrv22_01.html) should be consulted
prior to packaging, labeling and transportation.
4-2.3 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS (PCB). At one time PCBs were common
components of hydraulic fluids, lubricants, heat transfer fluids, and insecticides. They
were also used as plasticizers in paints, plastics, and rubber products. PCBs were
primarily manufactured as dielectric fluid for transformers and capacitors because of
their ability to absorb heat, low flammability, low electrical conductivity, and favorable
dielectric constant. Currently, heat transfer fluids residing in old transformers and
capacitors used in power distribution systems are the main sources of PCBs. There
may also be PCB-contaminated soil in places where transformers and capacitors have
been stored or serviced, transformer fires have occurred, or PCBs have been sprayed
as insecticides. Non-Liquid PCBs (NLPCBs) can be found in various items such as
fluorescent light ballast potting material, ceiling tile coatings, and certain painted
PCBs are regulated before disposal by their use (i.e., transformers, carbon paper, etc.).
However, once the decision is made to end their use, disposal is regulated differently.
PCB disposal requirements depend on the type of material being disposed, and the
concentration of PCBs in the waste. C&D debris is usually regulated as "PCB bulk
product waste." However, PCB bulk product waste does not include debris from the
demolition of buildings or other man-made structures that is contaminated by spills from
regulated PCBs which have not been disposed of, decontaminated, or otherwise
cleaned up in accordance with USEPA requirements.
Other types of PCB bulk product wastes are PCB-containing wastes from the shredding
of automobiles, household and industrial appliances, or other white goods; PCB
impregnated electrical, sound deadening, or other types of insulation and gaskets; or
fluorescent light ballasts containing PCBs in the potting material.