UFC 1-900-01
are found in the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR for environmental, 49 CFR for
transportation, and 29 CFR for OSHA) and will apply in all states. State environmental
requirements may be more stringent; if so, they are layered on top of the Federal
requirements and must also be followed to avoid potential legal liability and/or fines.
The States will have varying disposal and notification requirements for asbestos-
containing material (ACM), lead based paint (LBP) debris, polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCB), mercury and other materials. Due to the vintage of military facilities, many
structures on military bases contain these hazardous materials. Because of the
presence of these materials, additional measures and precautions are necessary to
both demolish a structure and/or recover materials for reuse and recycling. It is the
responsibility of the property owner to make reasonable efforts to identify hazardous
materials on the site before demolition. Asbestos, lead, PCB and mercury abatement
should occur in advance for every building that is being demolished, deconstructed, or
relocated. More detailed information about establishing an installation-wide C&D
management program and the specific environmental requirements for handling
contaminated C&D debris, is found in the AFCEE C&D Waste Management Guide is
available for downloading at
http://www.afcee.brooks.af.mil/eq/programs/summary.asp?rscID=870. This Guide also
includes seven self-calculating spreadsheets for estimating and tracking the amounts
and costs for C&D materials that are recycled and disposed in renovation and
demolition projects.
4-2.1 ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIAL (ACM). At one time, many different
types of building materials contained asbestos because it was plentiful, inexpensive,
nonflammable, strong yet flexible, resistant to chemical corrosion, and a good thermal
and sound insulation. Asbestos is most commonly found in beam spray, insulation,
mastic, floor tile, ceiling tile, siding, transite board and roof shingles. Asbestos is only a
health concern when it is exposed, disturbed, and friable. Materials become friable if
asbestos is liberated from the material matrix. Substances easily crumbled or reduced
to powder by hand pressure are termed "friable." Friable ACM requires full
containment, monitoring, notification, and disposal at a special hazardous waste landfill.
Substances not producing powder with hand pressure are "non-friable" and can be
removed with minimal amount of containment. Unified Facilities Guide Specifications in
Division 13 describe asbestos related safety, health, and disposal requirements and
procedures to be implemented for building demolition activities. Public Works Technical
Bulletin 420-70-8, Installation Asbestos Management Program, provides the latest
information for the Army on asbestos management and safety procedures.
A building probably has asbestos if:
it was built 1955-1978 and has ceilings that are bumpy, as if coated with cottage
cheese or popcorn
it was built 1940-1955 and has hard, rock-like shingles or siding
it was built 1940-1983 and has vinyl flooring
it was built 1955-1978 and has gypsum drywall walls
it has ductwork sealed with white duct tape
it has steam lines
it has pipe insulation that looks like corrugated cardboard